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Large Green Buttocks basket or melon Painted Primitive Basket

In Folk Art > Wooden Folk Art Objects > Show & Tell and Furniture > Baskets > Show & Tell.
Wooden Folk Art Objects750 of 869Shaker or Primitive Early Wooden Bowl New Englandwood bowl
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (123 items)

    I have this large painted basket and I was wondering anyone could help with its age and origin. I also welcome any comments or additional information you may have.
    The basket measures as follows:
    H 13.5" and the opening is about 13.5" x 13.5"

    Thanks a bunch!

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    1. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      You need to provide more information, like where you found it, history ect. You obviously collect country primitives, I would suggest investing in a couple books on the subject. They could give you some keywords to start a internet search.
    2. emersonestates, 13 years ago
      They all came from my father's estate. I have searched past auctions and the internet and the painted "buttocks" baskets range from $100USD to thousands of dollars. I have a whole bunch of country primitives and a bookcase full of informative guides but I still find them very, very difficult to find comparables and/or specific information about them; especially since I do not have any background on them (like location obtained or age or cost). I have found that this site is a great help where "experts" or knowledgeable collectors can give me additional insight that I am unable to get own my own. Thanks a bunch for the help with your other two posts.
    3. emersonestates, 13 years ago
      I have had this mug or pitcher (possibly stoneware) posted for a long time and I have search a wide variety of key terms and past accounts, yet I can't find anything about it. I know that someone out there has to know the manufacturer and/or name of the "rope like" texture on the exterior. By any chance to you have any suggest to what this is?
    4. Knifeguy, 13 years ago
      This basket is the finest of the three and again in almost perfect condition. The weave is much finer than the other two and the colour is very pleasing. Again turn of the century or just either side.


    5. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Love this piece! While I'm not very knowledgeable of baskets, I am lucky enough to have several that my great grand father made in the first half of the 19th century in southern Virginia. One looks quite like this one, less the green color and according to my grandfather was the one his mother used for gathering eggs. She liked it because it fit against her hip when the handle was over her arm, keeping it from bouncing and jostling the eggs. I've found that she was right!
      For now it's hanging on my covered front porch where I just had to evict a wren that decided it was a great place for HER eggs. (and yes, I evicted her BEFORE she got too far along with the building and no chicks were harmed)

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