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Art Glass
Bohemian Art Glass
Art Glass
It's my distraction from lockdown as well! Collecting glass is my way of dealing with stress. I can't wait to unpack and reorganize and take pictures by size and colour and set up my displays again!
I'll keep my eyes peeled for you as I sometimes see the 50's Fenton Black Rose hand vase pop up. I'll post a picture of my mauve/lavender hand vase with a hankerchief rim when I unpack it - it's been...
My bad! So sorry - I missed it in the title.
I love this!! I see that you have a white one with a wavy gold rim. I have a similar one. I'd love to know more about it, if you have any information to share. Thanks!
You likely already know this but just in case - these were all made by Fenton.
I love the two jadeite hand vases with the straight rim! If you are downsizing your hand vases, please keep me in mind. I recently packed up my collection for an anticipated move - I'm at 175 and al...
I'm so happy to see more pictures of your hand vases! At some point, we really do need to connect to share pictures and stories of our collections!
Thank you! I love your descriptive phrases! My guess is that you are a writer! And if not, you should be!
Thank you. I do love my red splatter vase. I'd post more pictures of my other hand vases but I'm finding this site just a little too public for me. I'd love to connect all the hand vase collectors w...
Yes, there are so many stories about finding treasure - my first hand vase that I went back for is probably my most expensive! It was only $10 but I got two traffic tickets on the drive home after go...
Lol! Great story - I NEVER tell anyone about my finds until after they are delivered and in my hands!
I love all of your favourites and clearly missed some of your pictures of your collection as I attempt to navigate my way through this site! I've posted a picture of my red splatter one, which I susp...
Marin, I tend to share your views on social media - although I find with strict privacy settings, I prefer facebook to any other medium. Even this setting is a little too open for me. But I specifi...
Fantastic story about finding a beautiful matched pair!
Stunning! I have seen pictures of this vase before. There is an interesting article on the Museum of Glass' webpage on hand vases, featuring this vase!
Absolutely amazing!! I've never seen a two-handed glass hand vase before! I can see why this is one of your favourites!
IronLace, my white with red splatter is kinda fabulous! I was a great find - it's hard to find unusual hand vases these days. Your collection looks fabulous too! I'm guessing that your green and my...
PS. I feel the same now that I have so many glass hand cases that it takes a special one to capture my interest - that said, there are tons of rare ones out there that I'm still looking for and hoping...
Hi Marin, Are you on facebook? I have a group called "Glass Hand Vases" where I post pictures of my collection - I would love for you to join and share your collection too! Aftica1
Love love love this! I'm new to this website but joined specifically because of your pictures of glass hand vases! I thought that they were ugly until I saw one in person in an antique market that...
I have a similar one with red splatter inside. Love this!
Hello IronLace. I too collect glass hand vases - I have about 150 of them. I'm very impressed with your collection! Gorgeous!
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posted 8 days ago