nsvmom » collections




I may be new to the site, but not new to collecting! I seem to have collecting in my blood (just ask chinablue and jimborasco), and I have eclectic tastes. My main I may be new to the site, but not new to collecting! I seem to have collecting in my blood (just ask chinablue and jimborasco), and I have eclectic tastes. My main love is to find treasure in other's trash, and sometimes a trip to the dump may lead to a new treasure coming home with me. Yard sales are fun places to search too! Main collections in our home include beer steins (my hubby's) and owls, but mainly consist of everything in between. 30 something wife and mom with time on my hands and too much A.D.D. to harness that time ;) (Read more)


  1. Thank you! It's one of my favorite pieces of jewelry, but I don't wear pins much..
  2. Spectacular, thanks for the info! I just thought it was beautiful! I have a small necklace that is similar. The gold is wearing if the back a bit on it, though. I guess skin contact is tough on gold p...
  3. I think I'll try it as an everyday bag, I like it!
  4. My first thought was "Well, there's your problem!"
  5. I love everything you post! :)
  6. You have so many beautiful things! :)
  7. Great minds, as they say? :)
  8. Looks like it to me, but I'm not an expert :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontil_mark
  9. And mustangtony gives you the second piece of the mystery! :)
  10. Apparently, the company is Royal Sealy and the pattern is Capri... As for age, I'm not sure, you could probably do some more digging and find out, but I at least got you started, i hope! http://www...
  11. I have a brooch that's much like this, so I'm partial :) very pretty!
  12. I'd say to have anyone help identify them, separate pics would probably have to be taken of each one, otherwise it's pretty hard. The wooden ones towards the road look pretty new.. It seems the woode...
  13. Looks like a distinct possibility to me... There are some different ways to identify amber, so you may want to give a few a try! http://www.amberman.com/test.php may be a start You could prob...
  14. I found a similar item, after checking out ho2cultcha's idea... Very possible! http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/antique-wire-soap-strainer-135807242
  15. This makes me giggle :) The glowing part, of course, not the piece itself
  16. Also, to support my case, is the outside and the inside flecked with green? It seems to be in the photos, but I'm not sure.. If so, that's the malachite :)
  17. I think it's an azurite geode... Azurite is associated with malachite, alot of the time, but can sometimes be found without, as in this example http://www.irocks.com/render.html?id=MD-57066 or ...
  18. I have a mirror in a stand like that... Your piece, however, is MUCH more eye catching ;)
  19. With the hole in it, my thoughts turn to drawer pull or something similar.. Like a screw was supposed to fit in there..
  20. Oh, btw, I didn't take a picture of it, but when I take the candle holder base off, there's only a sticker that says "Japan" on the bottom of the dish.. no other marks..
  21. Very beautiful!
  22. How wonderful :) I love old photographs!
  23. Thanks everyone for the love! I missed it all during the power outages! :) Mikko, I'm sorry that your brothers lost your father's decorations :( I'd have some brothers in major trouble if they'd done...
  24. Thanks for the overwhelming love on this item! It's definitely a great piece, given its history. I thought the grips were quite awesome, as well, zguy! I didn't realize that special care was made ...
  25. Thanks for the love, everyone!
  26. Thanks for the love, everyone! :)
  27. Thanks, davyd! I figured as much with the stone, but was unsure of the age!
  28. I can say this was quite lovely burning.. I read some of my book by this lamp :)
  29. It's really hard to tell! Mom thought it might even be a blank that had been sold by LS&S Carlsbad, and then painted or transferred by someone later on. My great aunt would do that, and did lovely work!
  30. It's on the wall in our bedroom right now, but it was in the kitchen for a good long time. I was afraid it would get hit and broken in the kitchen, though!
  31. Fantastic, thank you all for your posts and research! Fantastic! :)
  32. Glad to share, Mikko! And I'm BACK! :) We got power back last night, thankfully! We fared well other than power outages. Glad to be back online!
  33. It's definitely an interesting piece of history! I hate I couldn't leave it original, but the string wasn't going to hold the pieces together very well.. I wanted to be able to use it, it's so unique!
  34. Thanks for the love petey and Mikko!
  35. Thanks for the love, everyone! :)
  36. Thanks for the love, mustangtony!
  37. Thanks, Bellin! I'm a big fan. Wish I had more pieces, but maybe I'll come across some in my scouts
  38. It was given to me 6 years ago, but knowing the lady that gave it to me, she's had it for a while beforehand. I should ask it where it came from
  39. If you find a silver ring with a rectangular purple stone in it, let me know, because that's something *I* thought I'd lost ;) hehe
  40. Thanks, Mikko! :)
  41. Thanks for the love everybody! And thanks for the links and info, Mikko! Nothing else is written on the inside tag.. I did, however, notice that it has STAINER printed in black below the neck on th...
  42. Thanks for the love, Mikko! :)
  43. Together, we have quite a collection! :)
  44. Thanks for the love, everyone!
  45. Thanks for the love, blunderbuss!
  46. This one's in really good shape.. You'd like it :)
  47. One of the last times I pulled out some goodies to show you, I showed you the wrong box :-P I meant to show you the one this came from! Next time :)
  48. I believe mine be shorter as well.. It's like 12 inches tall
  49. Wow, inky! That last link is pretty much the EXACT vase! How fantastic! :) Mine's in perfect shape, luckily, compared to the auction piece.. Great sleuthing! Thanks :)
  50. I'm confused though, because some of the same year have different secretary of the treasury than this one.. Don't know how that happens
  51. See more


posted 9 years ago
posted 11 years ago
posted 12 years ago
posted 12 years ago
posted 12 years ago