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Liberty 'Crocus' teaspoons

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Escrimeur's items3 of 4Spectacular Celtic spoon or is it?Rare Liberty teaspoon
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (4 items)

    The set of teaspoons on the left is another of Knox's design triumphs. Although this pattern appeared at the beginning of the 1900s (1902) for this set, they were not officially named by Liberty's, the naming scheme having been abandoned in 1900 as it caused too much confusion. The finials resemble crocus flowers, hence the name and the Celtic bows where the stems join the bowl are an amazing design feature.
    To the right is an enamelled coffee spoon of the 'later' crocus pattern but this actual spoon was assayed in 1953, the design (as I have since discovered) having been around for about 40 years.

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    1. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      These are so wonderful! Congrats!
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    3. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Have they been dipped for cleaning or is the silver matte finished?
      They seem to have lost their patina :-/
    4. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Hi Escrimeu , these are beautiful spoons , i love the enamel & the 2nd pic is the same as my coffee spoons ... sadly mine aren't enamelled. ..
      i wonder if they were once ;-)
      Are these all your spoons ? I love them ;-)......
    5. Escrimeur Escrimeur, 10 years ago
      Many thanks! The spoons had been matt-sprayed to prevent self portraiture during photography and to bring out the detail. It always makes them look a bit weird and (as you say) lacking patina but if does cut out the even more annoying reflections and distracting light spots. The effect is easily removed in warm water and a gentle wipe.
      The single enamelled coffee spoon: not all spoons were enamelled so if you see a set without, then that's likely how they were originally produced.
      I think they're wonderful too and am writing a book.
    6. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Let us know the title and when its released cos ill buy one !!!
    7. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Thank you for your answer about the finish!
      Always learning, I never heard about matte spraying :-)
    8. floridapicker1955, 10 years ago
      What great Spoons I love silver and enamel work thanks for sharing!!!

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