Posted 10 years ago
(3463 items)
This set was a Toys 'R'Us exclusive set from 2002. It reissue of the early 1970s Secrect Agent set although that set did not come with a figure.
As you can see in the first picture GI Joe is wearing a clever disguise so you may not recognize him.
In the last picture you can see how the pistol breaks down in the brief case. There is also a tape recorder andmap that is supposed to be in the case but I seem to have misplaced them. Oops.
Just love the disguise! I actually laughed out loud. Cool.
A secret agent! !!!
I cannot but love it
This is GREAT fortapache!! I love it!!
Thank you very much racer4four/Vincent. The disguise is quite convincing or something.
Thank you very much austrohungaro.
And think you very much jscott.
Thank you
Thank you Sean.
This is cool:) love the mask!!
Thank you very much Trey.
Thank you petey.
That mask is so realistic! can't tell it's a mask especially with that seventies mustache. It has that Superman/Clark Kent thing going on. "snicker!"
very cool!
Thank you very much REED. It is indeed a clever disguise. Along with the trench coat and briefcase one would never know he is a secret agent.