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Studded Vintage Plastic Bangle

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1224 items)

    I have seen this kind of bangles before but with missing studs. This one is in perfect condition. The colour is a bit unusual, don’t you think? I believe these bangles date back to the 1960’s or a bit later.
    Thanks for looking

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    1. Gillian, 9 years ago
      The studs are on a piece of some kind of material, so imho I think they were added after purchase of the bracelet.
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      I normally don't like bangles, but I like this one!
    3. freiheit freiheit, 9 years ago
      Thanks for your comments, valentino97, Gillian, and efesgirl.
      I have come across these bangles a few times before. One time, my husband hated it. So, to keep the peace, I didn't buy it. One time I was too cheap to pay the asking price, and at least two times I found them with studs missing. I thought that this bangle was a good addition to my collection. Gillian, I don't think the studs were added later. the bangle has beed carefully carved out where the studs are. I don't think someone could do that without very good tools.
      Thanks everyone!

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