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Vintage 1960's Psychedelic Fluorescent Necktie

In Accessories > Ties > Show & Tell and Mens Clothing > 1960s Mens Clothing > Show & Tell.
1960s Mens Clothing43 of 55Hippie Poncho that MAY have been at Woodstock!#1 ~ HAIR! Gerome Ragni's Original Designer Hippie Denim & Leather Jeans
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (516 items)

    Some times, when you have to dress up - it is good to have a tie no one else will be wearing...

    A "Genie Original" Tie, wearable Pop Art with a psychedelic twist. Handmade in the 1960s, this is the only tie I have ever heard of that fluoresces under Blacklight! Lined with a MOD circle pattern in fluorescent orange, yellow, pink and purple. 59" Long

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      Fab piece Hippie the colouring design mesmerising !!!!!!!!
    2. bijoucaillouvintage bijoucaillouvintage, 8 years ago
      Wow!! I didn't know such things existed! Fab!

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