Posted 7 years ago
(7 items)
Can anyone tell me anything about this bowl? It was a gift to my parents many years ago from a professor friend of theirs who did a lot of travelling. All of them have been deceased for at least 15 years so I have no one to ask.. It appears to be Japanese but I have tried to use translators on the bottom label and the only language that gives me a translation is Chinese Simplified and the translator says "Were each given along". Obviously that doesn't help much. The bowl is 10" across the top, is fairly heavy, and is trimmed in gold both around the rim and in the pictures. If anyone has any information, it would be greatly appreciated.
It's a modern transfer printed bowl made only for decorative purposes. The stamp in English is the big giveaway.
It says Da Qing Qianlong Nian Zhi
Look in the link below more than half the way down the page under the sub heading: "Qianlong Nian Zhi, Da Qing - Qianlong Period Make, Great Qing Dynasty"
Zilla, good to see another Asian expert on CW, it's been a while. :)
Oh no!! I'm not an expert!
Just thought if I can give any bit of help it might start off some new leads for research :-)
Thanks for all of your input. There are three markings on the back of those bowls that are very similar. The two from 1875 to 1908 (#1322 & #1364) look more like mine because of the border but the English label about food would make me think it is newer like #1037 (1970 to 1990)
you are all right , well done, the second symbol from the left toprow ( let,s say the pinada ) macao variation