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7 inch blue and white Old English Royal Staffordshire plate

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (2 items)

    Do these plates have a lead glaze or are they food safe? They're not sold in the Monticello gift shop anymore, so the staff couldn't answer my question. The writing on the back looks very recent but that's no indication that the plates are food safe. Accurate info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and stay well.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      Is the manufacturer still in business? If so, there is probably customer service contact info online.
    2. anniedinerman, 4 years ago
      Hi, thanks for this note. I contacted the Monticello gift shop. They are not selling this plate anymore, so they contacted the manufacturer. The gift shop staff told me that the plates are food safe. I'm using them with two Vernon Kilns souvenir dinner plates, which are also food safe.

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