Posted 12 years ago
(584 items)
PINGVIN means penguin in Swedish, and this is what this two jugs resemble... well, it's not very clear in the big one, but the small jug just looks like a royal penguin (
They're highly textured and the colour ranges from yellow to deep orange. they're absolutely great designs!
Ah orange, irresistible.
I like how these guys are out of your super clean line standards Austro, yet fit it perfectly. it. Color is perfect!
Opera this weekend?
Thanks amber. Well, not only has to be super clean lined... a little bit of organic shapes are just great, if only as to mark a contrast, o even accentuatethe simple lines of the other pieces. hat's what I like from most of my Nanny Still stuff...
I am a little more messy but understand where you are at. I really like these and that blurred line you reference. Again, I am always drawn to a good orange color!
And it's rare to see orange in glass!