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Chalk Watta Pop Counter Display

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    This came from an old country store, way off the beaten path. It closed in the late 70's, when the elderly owner could no longer walk the few steps to the store to keep it open. Holes for the lollipop sticks are in the top of the head, down his back and sides, and on the sides of the base. He stood watch on her counter for decades. I am curious about how old it is, and if it was something a traveling salesman left to encourage sales. I "picked" this when the old store was being cleaned out, after she passed. The store was a fixture in this tiny farming community, and a piece of history is gone now. Whenever I look at it, I remember Miss Edna, and a simpler time. I treasure it.

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    1. Dave in Carthage, 14 years ago
      There's one of these up for auction here:

      and one sold for $175 here:

      Google "watta pop" for more.
    2. refugeroad refugeroad, 14 years ago
      Thanks, Dave! At least I now know he is not alone in the world, he has family! Will keep looking for info on that company.
    3. arizonapicker91 arizonapicker91, 14 years ago
      Love the story, glad you saved him!
    4. beth, 14 years ago
      Add another cousin to your "Watta" from Michigan, whom I've cherished & protected since late 1970's when an eccentric uncle scrounged my Poppy from someone's trash. The easiest pet I've ever had!
    5. Carolyn, 14 years ago
      We have one of these that stood in my great-grandfather's store in Louisiana, probably starting in the 1930s. My mom was born in 1939, and I believe they moved away from there when she was 6 or 8, and she held onto this little dog from his store. I don't know how many years they made this little dog, but ours was probably born in the 1930s, and surely they didn't make them TOO long. So your little dog has more family here in NC! I also found that there is an Indian chief that seemed to serve about the same purpose -- some sort of advertising display for this brand of lollipops.

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