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my new taxidermy fox approx 1960's

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (42 items)

    this is my newest addition a taxidermy fox, he was given to me today and has taken pride of place on my fire place. the previous owners could date hime back to sometime in the sixties. i've not seen one in a standing position before. he's in great condition and has been taxied very well......not sure if taxied is the right name to say that he has been stuffed perfectly, but it sounded

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    1. Chapeldreamer Chapeldreamer, 14 years ago
      Wow, what a fox! LOL :)
    2. imander imander, 14 years ago
      lol this is my living room and also my bedroom, well for a while, my wife is disabled so we have had to move our bed downstairs for a while...

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