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Vinyl records and Smalls


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Back up ,,put that flame Out big fella 
From the first the Bell rang and man picked up the receiver  
 Grandpa they’ve come to steal our magnetic ink  
 A fool and his fuel soon go separate ways  
But Great Uncle Zellmo, whats in the cases  
  General Douglas  macArthur and my dad  
 1950s the original Facebook  
 Lenticule Mardi Gras 1961  lenticular , 
 Calling all cars keep an eye out ,there already here ,they are us  
Only a hole gets bigger ,when you take more away 


  1. Thanks for the loves
  2. I understand just what you’re saying toyreb, it’s just ,I can’t remember what you were saying
  3. Thanks for the comment JScott
  4. Thanks for the loves and comments
  5. Thanks toyreb one of my favorites
  6. Thanks JScott for the comment
  7. KooL Kats
  8. Could it have anything to do with John Deere
  9. I’d like to see the backs of some of your pins
  10. Nice and for two years
  11. Kool,,But truly ,did these clowns Scare the BaJeebers out of you as a kid
  12. Nice ,,rack em up !
  13. Wow ,,how were you able to find so many with Boxes
  14. Thanks for the loves
  15. Thanks for the loves
  16. Thanks for the comment DejaVu2,,,great music
  17. Thanks for the loves
  18. My cash in a matchbox , my clothes in a brownPaper bag I getting off the train, a few stops down Glad I’m not going all the way to the End Looks like rain
  19. Thanks for the comment FortApache,,Monday morning match box
  20. JScott I was lucky my older brother went to high school with Stephen stills
  21. Just my kind of whimsical item
  22. Good info,,,but it’s a wonder Masta Don is not used as a Rapper Name
  23. Glad you put it on the site I love lenticular pins +Cards and I’m never particular about my lenticular items
  24. Great info,,,welcome back. I’ll tilt a Dixie Cup back to You
  25. Wow is this the same toy Rebel
  26. I wonder why the officers are the only ones That don’t have a mug of beer in there hand
  27. My friend this is the finest swine I’ve seen
  28. KooLooKards
  29. Thanks for the kind comments JScott and FortApache
  30. Thanks also to Brunswick
  31. Alexander Graham Bell lost out on Ahoy versus hello but he did get the bell telephone
  32. Ahoy to you Sir
  33. The set you take out when the special guests come over
  34. Most Excellent ! George Orwell must’ve read this as a boy Then wrote, animal farm
  35. Then goes on to portray ,to the death in World War II oF Glenn Miller In the Glen Miller Story
  36. That’s even better than The ProMax Super Jumbo BoomBox that Radio Raheem carried around in Spikes, Do The Right Thing
  37. Yes I will go ,I am a happy robot I love to clean and clean
  38. I am glad I won’t be here when they start eating Each other
  39. Thanks for the loves
  40. Thanks for the loves
  41. Thanks for the loves
  42. Thanks for the loves
  43. Thanks also Sean68 Lata
  44. Kool ,,very industrial,,,Look at the missing Paint on the inner headband Sweat worn
  45. Wow looks great and with the tools
  46. Thanks JScott and Newfld for the Comments
  47. Now they know how many holes it takes to fill Albert Hall McCartney +Lennon said it was 10,000 holes
  48. Beam me up J—-Scotty,,, they are terriers
  49. Flightless bird ,Yes probably a yard bird without jimmy page :)
  50. Thanks Newfld for Bringing this post back to life
  51. See more


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