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Rookwood vases

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (18 items)

    My Rookwood vases,2591 XL11.2591 XXV111,XLV6457.Not clear on the dates on these.Purchased these at an auction.Two vases have sunflower pattern.The other has a butterfly.

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    1. Regina, 14 years ago
      First time visitor...Georgeouse collection. Saw you talking to Malta about her Vintage Fenton which I also collect. Do you have Van Briggle? How do you know which are vintage and which are late 20th century? Every piece I see has the Rookwood incised mark and the roman numerals, and say Van Briggle on them. Very confusing.
    2. dah2112 dah2112, 14 years ago
      The marks on pottery is confusing to say the least.I usually Goggle- pottery makers web sites to find out more info.I have creamer.sugar- van briggle recently purchased,I'll post a pic soon.Thanks for your comments.
    3. malta760 malta760, 14 years ago
      These are wonderful !

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