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Gendron Limited Edition country style pick-up 120 of 200 Castrol oil promo

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (19 items)

    This is a Gendron Limited Edition, Country style pick-up, 120 of 200, Castrol oil promo, if you bought $1,000 of oil you went in to the draw for a chance to win.

    The car itself is a reproduction of times past as in the letter in the photos.

    The fist photo looks as though the powder coat is blistered, it is actually wet that's all, but you will note in the other photos that the paint is lifting due to moisture getting under the powder coat. This is what happens in the humidity from where I got the car, Darwin in the Northern Territory.

    I shall be renovating this along with the others and I shall post the final photos of it but it will be a while off as I have an E-Type to do first.

    If anyone knows where I can get a set of the Gendron stickers please let me know


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    1. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Well done getting this! Look forward to your resto.
    2. alexg alexg, 10 years ago
      u sure its powder coated?...i have 2 of these and seem like painted to me
    3. RJT, 10 years ago
      Hi I am only going by the attached document which states it is powder coated and as some has lifted there is no undercoat or primer which also leads me to believe it is powder coated. Remember this is a reproduction not an original

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