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Adlake Non Sweating Lamp Chicago

In Railroadiana > Railroad Lanterns and Lamps > Show & Tell.
Tammystrunks's loves1 of 10Ornate Bridal Trunk needs I.D. - Purportedly owned by Sarah Bernhardt; needs provenance.Adlake (Chicago) Railroad Lamp (1907)
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (28 items)

    Not a rairoad guy, but loved these lanterns, so as they say I had to have them. I have another to follow. Someone said this may be a switch lantern?
    Got it really cheap, do they have any value?

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    1. bahamaboy bahamaboy, 14 years ago
      I've seen this exact one in an old cowboy black 'n white movie not long ago. I love it.
    2. senor_trunk senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      actually this and the other lantern were in the same movie as the top hat box. they put all that fake patena on them, that it makes it twice as hard to restore. but, i'm getting started, found some original lenses and a burner. it will be pretty cool when I'm through.
      If you ever run across a Rogers Peet top hat in your travels let me know, I'd like to get one for the hat box
    3. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      I Like But What Is? Non Sweating"??....To The Lamp Of Course.
      Thanks For Sharing.
    4. senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      i believe it means it won't form condensation on those cold mornings, thereby not dripping down and putting out the flame. important especially on switch lamps, where they sat unattended for long periods out on the tracks. Maybe some railroads folks could shed more light
    5. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      Ah !!! Makes sense. Thanks
    6. rob, 14 years ago
      whats the value on a pair of them, their in better condition then shown above. not much better though. one has a cracked lense i would like to replace
    7. senor_trunk senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      they can run any where from 50 to 300 or more depending on condition.
      there are several places that buy sell and auction them.
      ill try to find some links
    8. rob, 14 years ago
      Thank you.
    9. senor_trunk senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      heres an ebay link
    10. senor_trunk senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      as you can see some of these go for low prices, its mostly the love of bringing something back so others can enjoy
      kinda like trunks
    11. rob, 14 years ago
      I agree. Their my fathers and he's hurting for money and he thinks their worth 300 a piece. I think he should restore them but.he wants to sell. So I was inquiring for him. They are nice. I will post a pic, I appreciate them as part of history and would like to use them as decoration. I'm sure there's a story behind them left to imagination.
    12. senor_trunk senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      one more, this one restored, not 300 dollars unfortunately
      maybe the market will pick up again
    13. senor_trunk senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      unfortunately this one sold in 2007
      does your dads lanterns have the burners, etc inside and lenses
    14. senor_trunk senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      rob what name do u post under, id like to see those lanterns
    15. Rob. , 14 years ago
      I'll check and make sure they are complete. I'm told they. I will post pics shortly. One lens is cracked but not missing. It's still in place... won't fall out.
    16. rob, 14 years ago
      if you would like i can email the pics to you. not sure how to post them not alot of time right now will try tonight
    17. senor_trunk senor_trunk, 14 years ago
      email will be great, post them also, im sure other people will enjoy them
    18. lanternman, 14 years ago
      yes, non sweating means that it wont drip and put the flame out, but it also means that condensation wont form on the lenses, as not to distort/block the light

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