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Rare "Scout Automatic" Tin Toy Cap ~ Pop Gun Pat 11/21/1916 Searight downs Mfg co.

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (17 items)

    Here's one you dont see every day!
    This is a Pop gun (I think) with a papent date of nov. 11th 1916.
    It was manufactured by the Searight downs co. Detroit
    Condition is pretty darn good with some minor surface rust on the left side. See photos
    I've looked all over the inter web and have not been able to find any info on it.

    Any ideas on the company, number made, value etc....

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    1. Jeffrey, 14 years ago

      could it possibly be this?
    2. barefootslim barefootslim, 14 years ago
      Hey Jeffery,
      This pop gun looks more like an early smith & wesson pistol.
      The advertisment you are showing in your reply looks like a 1911 45 auto designed by john browning.
      I really appriciate your time in looking up the ad.
      I've tried looking this one multiple times and just have not found it.
    3. barefootslim barefootslim, 14 years ago
      usually I'm trying not to type romulin or some other alien language!
      It is indeed 1916.
    4. Tim Walling, 13 years ago
      I found a automatic Scout tin gun, by Edwards Mfg.Co., Cin.,OH,pat. pending, patas far as I could tell 12-18-17. In good condition. Could you tell me more about this gun? Thanks Tim

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