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1960`s Krun-Chee Space Magic

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (122 items)

    These plastic 1960`s space magic coins were inserted in bags of Krun-Chee potato chips. I believe a full set consists of 60 coins. This is a partial set. My favorite coin is of John F. Kennedy.
    Apparently a plastic space re entry space ship could be ordered from the company to insert your collection with each plastic holder good for 20 coins.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      I remeber the Kennedy one, having it but would never remember where it came from !!
    2. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      They were also in Dare PhilDMorris
    3. TerryL, 3 years ago
      roddyq, great looking particial set of space coins, I'm from Toronto, Canada also trying to put a set together.
    4. roddyq roddyq, 3 years ago
      Hi TerryL are you working on both sets? Space magic and space orbits. Both of my sets are incomplete I haven't been working on them for awhile.
    5. TerryL, 3 years ago
      Yes I am working on both sets with lots of doubles. I'm also working on my 1960's Rocky and Bullwinkle coin set, it sure brings back some memories looking at these sets.
    6. TerryL, 3 years ago
      It's interesting you call the sets space magic and space orbits. A collector that I purchased several of the coins from referred to them as set 'A' space magic. These are the coins with see through backs and tell a short story about the coin. Set 'B' he refers to it as space set, these have the non see through backs but they have a short description on the front of the coin. 60 coins in each set.
    7. roddyq roddyq, 3 years ago
      Both sets are independent as you have mentioned Terry. The collector referes to them as set A and set B. I love the different sets from the 1960s. I have the full 60 coin dog set and the 20 coin Fighting battle ships as well. I have no Rocky or Bullwinkle coins at all. I've also got a partial Exotic fish of the depths set with the mail in booklet. I was onto other things and never got into the Batman coins even though some have been offered to me. I was heavy into the CFL and shirriff hockey coins and built every set never got into the baseball. There are also the space coin plastic space capsule shields that the coins pop into. I know that I have some space coin doubles. Eventually I'll get around to see what's double and whats missing.
    8. TerryL, 3 years ago
      Wow I can't believe that we collected so many of the same sets. I also have a complete dog set of coins, fighting battle ships and of course the sheriff hockey coin sets. I also had quite a large collection of 1950's-60's rod hockey games. The men are metal not plastic and when we have friends over a game goes onto the kitchen table and we'll play for hours. I still collect old hockey cards mostly from the 50's and 60's. I like collecting weird items like my York peanut butter hockey cards and hockey glasses. The hockey cards were found under the lid of jars of York peanut butter.
    9. roddyq roddyq, 3 years ago
      I have always liked collecting the food product items. At one time I had a few table top hockey games with the metal hockey players. Eagle was my favorite as the players had the offical NHL team logos. Munro made good games as well they weren't licensed by the NHL and could only put the city names of the teams on the players. We would spend all weekend playing for the plastic Stanley cup from one of the games. 1950s and 1960s hockey cards are quite colorful and highly collectible. The york peanut butter octagone cards are neat. And the Bee hive syrup cards are a real challange to collect
    10. TerryL, 3 years ago
      Hi roddyq, I was at a friends house who collects old Lionel trains. He showed me a remake of the 1912 Classic Automobile race set still in the box that he has. He thought Lionel put this set out in the early 90's. Do you know anything about this set? I've never seen one before.
    11. roddyq roddyq, 3 years ago
      Hi TerryL,
      Sorry I don't follow the newer Lionel remakes and never really got into their race car sets. I was into the Eldon, Strombreker... 1/32 o guage until the HO guage Aurora sets came out. Used up half the setup space and boy did those ho cars move around the track
    12. TerryL, 3 years ago
      I thought that I would ask you about the auto race track because I haven't seen one before. It's odd, when we were kids the toys you received usually took some thinking or planning to use, in many cases they taught you how to build things. So much better then the plug in and play. Thanks!!
    13. TerryL, 3 years ago
      Hi Roddyq, I'm going over to a friends house to look at some tin toys that he picked up at an estate auction. They are apparently all made in Japan, all work and have nice colour. Are there certain ones that are harder to find that I should be aware of. Thanks
    14. roddyq roddyq, 3 years ago
      Hey Terry,
      Made in Japan tin windups cover a lot of different themes.
      A quick rundown as found on the internet.
      Collectors today search for the 1945-1975 toys that have bright graphics, unusual shapes, some humor and much motion. The most valuable toys are those based on spaceships and robots, trains, cars, motorcycles and popular cartoons or famous people.
    15. TerryL, 3 years ago
      Thank you for the information, I'm suppose to see his collection of tin toys this weekend. He also advises that he picked up approximately 30 space coins from the same auction. If you need some space coins and ever want to trade let me know I have quite a few extras from packages that I've purchased and now the auction. I think that I'm really going to get into the tin toys. Thanks so much.
    16. TerryL, 3 years ago
      There were some very interesting tin toys this collector had accumulated over the years. He really had some sharp looking German tin toys, a merry go round, ferris wheel and some figures. The Japanese tin toys had really great colour to them. I think that I'll have to research both.!!
    17. TerryL, 3 years ago
      Hi, I thought that I would give you a quick update on my space coins. I'm two coins short of completing my space magic set and 4 coins from completing my space orbit set. I should have both sets completed in a month or so. If you are thinking about finishing your sets let me know. I have around 20 extra space magic and 12 extra space orbit coins. If you're not interested I have a friend at a flee market that would take them but I would rather see a collector finish his sets. I think other then the dog coins I've collected most coin sets of the 60's. I even finished my Bullwinkle set which was a difficult set to finish.
    18. TerryL, 3 years ago
      Finished my space Orbit and space Magic coin sets. Extra coins were advertised and sold now it's time too look at some older tin toys. Thanks to various people for their assistance and knowledge.
    19. Balticfox, 1 year ago
      The coins pictured at the top of the page are Space Orbit coins. The most common variant of these found in Ontario and probably all of Canada are those with Dare backs. I believe that Krun-Chee Potato Chips also issued these in Canada and perhaps Krun-Chee Corn Chips did as well. Hunter's Potato Chips from Winnipeg also issued these.

      In the States these were issued by several more chip companies with Gordon's Potato Chips, Krun-Chee Potato Chips and Krun-Chee Corn Chips backs being fairly common. Drenk's Chips (of Wisconsin) backs can also be found.

      The (American) Gordon's Space Orbit set therefore has ten different coin fronts than the (Canadian) Dare Space Orbit set.

      I collect each and every issuer as a separate set. Six different sets in total therefore. I need almost all of the Hunter's and Drenk's backed Space Orbit coins.

      It appears that as many as ten of the Soviet personages and space vehicles were removed from the coins issued in the States. Images from the Space Magic set were substituted into the American Space Orbit set.
    20. Balticfox, 1 year ago

      Are your astronauts, cosmonauts, Kennedy and Khrushchev coins all Dare backs?
    21. Balticfox, 1 year ago

      Have you completed the 1968-69 Shirriff Hockey coin set? Do you collect the 1963 and 1964 CFL coins as well? How about the 1962 Shirriff and Salada/Junket Baseball coin sets? There are also General Mills Flag coins, Kelloggs Monkees coins and Royal Desserts Fish Plaques. Then of course there are various metal coin sets (Batman, Shirriff Hockey, Salada, Topps, Old London Baseball & NFL) which I find less interesting than the plastic ones.

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