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Sowerby Essex or Davidson? Uranium Bowl and Sundae dishes.

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (184 items)

    This is a Sowerby 2370 Essex 8 1/2" fruit bowl and four 2416 Sundae/Ice dishes bought at a local sale. These appear in their 1933 catalogue (20thcenturyglass website) and seem to be sold separately so there may have been more sundae dishes originally.

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    1. NevB, 5 years ago
      Thanks keramikos, there doesn't seem to be much of this pattern around nowadays, perhaps it wasn't so popular because it wasn't sold as a set or they didn't advertise it so much. The catalogue pictures aren't very good but they have proved very useful in the past.
    2. AdeleC AdeleC, 5 years ago
      I posted some like this a year ago, but I thought they were Davidson grapefruit dishes! I’ll have to dig them out and look at them again.
    3. NevB, 5 years ago
      Adele, I hope I've identified them correctly as the catalogues are not very clear. The website has a Sowerby catalogue which calls them "ice dishes".
    4. NevB, 5 years ago
      keramikos, I think the servers are probably Czech, pressglas-pavillon has a set the same in the unknown section of their knives, forks and spoons. I also have a Stolzle set in one of my early posts with a four-tine fork.
    5. NevB, 5 years ago
      I've just noticed the bowl is in the 1927 Sowerby catalogue as part of the Service 2370 (not Essex) but I can't tell if they are part frosted. The dishes are there as 2416 Ice Dishes and the Davidson 249 1/2 dishes from 1940 look identical, perhaps they used the same moulds.
    6. Dave_Sandra Dave_Sandra, 5 years ago
      I saw your post re the other comport dishes and you set me off chasing patterns and ideas. Davidson are from my Birthplace {Gateshead] and I have always gravitated towards their products but then I recalled our pressed glass comport which has always been a mystery so I have this morning posted it in show and tell
      Can you help ?
    7. NevB, 5 years ago
      Hello Dave_Sandra. I'm no expert but your compote doesn't look typically Davidson or indeed British and I don't recognise the pattern although someone else might. It's more likely to be continental, Czech or German? I did have a quick look on the website but didn't find anything, it's easier if you have the piece in front of you. Best of luck in your search.

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