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smaller northwest coast totems

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (39 items)

    7 smaller wooden totem poles 4" - 16" from late 1800's/early 1900's, and 1 argillite totem (on right in group, and enlarged) by John Cross, c. 1900. PS: just added two more (far right, above) that I recently came by. Carved in very early 1900's, likely by Paul or Moses Jones, around 7" tall; these were originally purchased in 1916, according to previous owner.

    Native American Antiques
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    1. bushrat bushrat, 13 years ago
      Thanks to kerry, bratjdd, Knifeguy and AR8Jason for your kind support.
    2. bushrat bushrat, 13 years ago
      Thanks to AmberRose for the loving support.
    3. bushrat bushrat, 13 years ago
      Thanks BELLIN and walksoftly
    4. thomasjurkowich, 10 years ago
      I. Have 2 of the Sauganew skis and the original patent application for thecompanyin excellent shape and was wondering what the appropriate value is 1ski is similar or the same as your third from the top and 1 you don't have
    5. bushrat bushrat, 10 years ago
      I think you meant to ask your question under my post re the Saggahew ski samples, but since you have asked here, it seems I must/should answer here, also.

      I would think you could probably ask, and get, about $500 for your two ski samples and copy of the patent papers in a private sale. It is difficult to be definitive as to value because there isn't a lot of comparable market or sales information available. You could try asking for more, as they seem to be rare items, but likely would wind up somewhere close to my estimate, I think. You could try asking an auctioneer, but might get an answer somewhat less. Some sales are slow these days and, if you have someone else sell them for you, it will cost you a commission. Also, auction sales are often unpredictable. I'm basing my estimate on what I recall getting for mine when I sold all four together; it wasn't as much as I had hoped for, but it made a friend happy.

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