Faith.k » collections



Western Washington state, u.s.a

Just a collector of beautiful things, mostly old, sometimes newer, also big time rock hound, into tumbling beach rocks I have been gathering for about 35 years.


  1. I definitely see the similarities, but the shape is different, to my eyes, mine has sharper shoulders and is more beaker shaped at the neck, and flares to a thinner, more delicate porcelain at the rim...
  2. I was 14, and in love with the Ramones! Bringing back great music memories, thank you!
  3. Thank you Waki. I thought maybe due to the grit on the bottom it had a bit more age on it, I am always learning, but still so little do I know!
  4. Thank you for your detailed explanation, I understand, and will apply that to my treasure hunting criteria!
  5. So it's a decal/transfer?
  6. I have no doubts about your assessment whatsoever, was only curious about the mark being a decal, as I haven't heard of that. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for your ongoing health stuff!
  7. Thanks Waki! Have been hopeful you would take a look at this! Are things getting sorted out for you regarding the health stuff? Was worried, saw your profile update, and got more worried! Was so happy...
  8. I suppose thats one possibility BHIFOS! Ii so far have heard these referred to as jardineres and foot baths,, I think the heavy porcelain would hold the heat much longer than a plastic tub,, but I'm a...
  9. Stunning! Thank you for sharing!
  10. Sorry, meant to say Kyoto, not Tokyo as to place she was made. She stands about 10 inches with out the base. The one online was about 16 inches, so my next move is contacting Tanaka-ya and see what mo...
  11. Well good news for me that looks like my doll has been made by the Tanaka ya doll makers shop in Tokyo. They have been in business since 1808, over 200 years! My dollars of course not that old but the...
  12. Thank you Newfld! I am enthralled with all the embroidery on it, don't know if it's hand stitched, but it's very impressive. Thought it had some stray loose strings on the back, but it was actually a ...
  13. Thanks dav2no1! My Google translated rectangle sticker to " Tanaka Yaya? Not sure what that implies for this doll. She didn't have a glass cover, but she was only 4.99 plus tax, so I am OK either way...
  14. 43 years? Are you sure? Man, do I feel old, lol! Love Queen, one of my favorite bands!
  15. Love this piece, that clasp is awesome, I haven't seen a lot of the micro mosaic work, so intricate!
  16. It is beautiful, and the work that goes into these is mind boggling, very gifted craftsmanship, imho!
  17. Updated! Sorry dav2no1, didn't realize a crucial word was missing! I'm figuring out, with the excellent help of Apostata, that this is probably from the 1970s, haven't a clue on the actual value, but ...
  18. Thank you for the great suggestion Alan2310, but actually when I first began pursuing the vase months ago,, yours was at the top of my Google search, which I immediately saw the similarities between t...
  19. Thanks for all the loves everyone! Apostata thank you so much, I am honored that you take time to help me figure things out, I will look at them today, I am confident that it is at least worth the 40...
  20. I don't exactly know what that means Apostata, I am not knowing much yet.
  21. Thanks newfld! I am glad it's mine finally!
  22. Tried (failed, lol) to use a heart shaped exclamation point, upon submitting it transformed into 2 question marks, please disregard!
  23. Love these, very apropos post, and uniquely beautiful as well! Happiest of Valentines to you and yours??
  24. Thanks Waki! I was given this one, was thrown in with a planter I picked up at an estate sale, the dogwood was just me quoting someone's similar post on ebay, I will do better research going forward! ...
  25. Thanks for the love everyone! Newfld, I agree, it is an intense blue! You should have seen it before I washed it, I had no idea it had such a deep shine under the grime, it looked almost matte when ...
  26. It is just beautiful! Love the rich red color. I believe that I have a very similar one, excepting mine is red and yellow/orange, like a sunset! When I display it again next fall I will have to post i...
  27. Eye popping set! I am awed by how striking it is, and the color!! Unbelievable amount of work on the craftsmanship end of things, which explains in part, at least, why it's still around for us all to...
  28. Thank you Apostata!
  29. Can't help with the identity, but I do think it's beautiful! Looks like a Christmas tree ornament!
  30. Thank you Apostata, I think I understand what you mean, and it makes sense, I just thought it'd been applied by a 3 year old! (Just kidding, but it was odd to me, since the painting of the piece seems...
  31. Question for Apostata, what is a dipping application?
  32. Thanks Apostata! Always something new to consider, didn't know all those glaze and shape clues to look for, but being it's from my kids, it'll be a keeper, am guessing that it's at least worth the 4.0...
  33. ThNks all gor the loves, and yes, I agree Apostata, thank you for your help!
  34. I feel like an idiot to ask, PhilDMorris, what exactly is a hobby light? I'm sure I could Google it, but I sometimes feel a need to have a human answer, and skip the search engine, thanks to you and D...
  35. It's OK to joke sometimes, I just take a bit longer to realize it than most people. I can see where it looks kind of designed for a urinal! Perhaps nicer to display as a incense burner, lol.
  36. Well, leave it to me to just blindly believe! I've always had to be wary due to my extreme gullibility! My friends and family love putting one over on me, free entertainment!
  37. Beautiful! I have a dark green one, but not carnival glazed, sadly! Yours is stunning!
  38. Beautiful vases, and excellent work tracking down the frogs!
  39. Thanks to both Apostata and kwqd for replying to me query. I think it's great to keep them up regardless of changes in ownership, so much helpful information would be inaccessible to many people other...
  40. Thanks for the information Apostata! I thought it was likely new, but I am surprised that I didn't see the number of children being wrong, as I actually knew that fact, for once, although little good ...
  41. Well, the use of this was a suprise! Pretty fancy vessel for a urinal!
  42. Gorgeous patina! Looks old to me, but I am not very knowledgeable on that yet!
  43. Thank you Apostata, you have given me a lot to think about! I guess if my lamp is only worth thirty-five dollars that is fine, I genuinely enjoy the somewhat boho bright colors, not my usual decor, wh...
  44. So at the end of the day, was this a good buying decision, in your opinion? I am going to downsize some of the less interesting things I've acquired in the last few years, and am grateful for your inp...
  45. Agreed on all points, especially the hoarding! Have been doing a purge of my things, it's a process, and can be painful. Do you think that I should unscrew the base, and see if there's any marking und...
  46. Does anyone know if it's possible to get a piece like this restored to the original vase, and if so, who would I even see about the restoration? Thanks in advance for any information!
  47. Crap, forgot to adapt photos, will fix asap. Wanted to add measurements, it's approximate 14" tall, ceramic vessel only, not lamp parts or base, and 26" around at the widest point, and 6" depth.
  48. Apostate, your information is so helpful, I keep falling down the rabbit hole and it's been difficult to grab any real answers online so far. I thought maybe a 1970ish reproduction, but if it is they ...
  49. Thank you everyone for the appreciation, love and comments! I tend to think it's probably 1970s- ish, but I definitely feel that it is an odd conglomerative of several different styles, perhaps made i...
  50. The colors remind me of some older Chinese brown pottery I've seen pictures of.
  51. See more


My fukagawa seiji tea cups!


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