Golgatha » collections




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All sorts of art interests me. But when it comes to private collections, the best ones are the small, focused and exquisite ones. Never mind my looks. My weight loosAll sorts of art interests me. But when it comes to private collections, the best ones are the small, focused and exquisite ones. Never mind my looks. My weight loosing program went wrong. (Read more)


  1. You are, without doubt, the Walt Whitman of our time ...
  2. Now we're confused at a higher level ...
  3. The mad hatter in "Alice in Wonderland" would feel at home here ...
  4. Reminds me of John Wyndham's 1951 novel "The day of the Triffids".
  5. My late mother had one like this. She had saved to be able to buy it. One day, when she was out of the house, my father gave it to his sister, without asking my mother ...
  6. "Good night my sweet prince" as Horatio said to Hamlet. At least according to Shakespeare.
  7. You must be a bachelor ...
  8. Thank you very much prostata. I didn't expect any value at all. I was only curious about a translation. I wonder why such a fake coin was lying on the street ?!
  9. Thanks for the sympathy. More than a hundred firefighters fought day and night and some passers by on the street rushed in, risking their lives, to help save historic art, while others provided food a...
  10. Thanks Watchsearcher. I hoped you'd like it !
  11. I'm getting sleepy already ... zzz.
  12. "Rose is a rose is a rose" as Gertrude Stein said ...
  13. "Brother, can you spare a dime ?" as Rex Weber sang in the vaudeville "Americana" in 1932.
  14. As Queen sang: "We will rock you ! "
  15. Yes, her pseudonym.
  16. New message from the mess maker ...
  17. On request I've added a photo of the table's hinge pin.
  18. Hi BHIFOS. I've added the photo you wished. My hinge pin is in one piece. You'll have to have a specialist make a replica of the missing one.
  19. I have one like it. England ca. 1820. In Europe they're not uncommon. Like Kevin too !
  20. OMG, what a hangover you could end up with !
  21. Like the Rhododendron in the background. I have a very big one too and made a post about it once ...
  22. The beer?cans in the background makes me thirsty !
  23. Many thanks BHIFOS for the comment !
  24. Many thanks scottvez for the comment !
  25. Ever talked to your therapist about your HDS ?
  26. Halleluja.
  27. Some use their bathtub for watering their cattle. At least you don't.
  28. Hoarding disorder syndrom. Or commonly known as HDS.
  29. Thanks kivatinitz for the comments. I don't know about that in the Finnish National Gallery, but the one in Berlin is a print like mine and not the original painting.
  30. Now I'm confused at a higher level ...
  31. Many thanks for the comment !, which I'm sorry to say, I don't understand !?
  32. I considered bidding on it, not as an antiquity, but as decoration. But thanks to you, I didn't. Thanks again !
  33. Thanks again ! So all in all a Republican China export ware from 1928. Not often we're told the exact age of a piece of Chinese porcelain.
  34. Many thanks for the answer ! I'm not sure I fully understand. Can you add a few words ?
  35. Sitting in your dumpster you are, without doubt, the Walt Whitman of our time ! Ever thought of publishing your collected poems ?
  36. Maybe if you turned the first two photos 90 degrees to the right ...
  37. I wonder: How's life in your dumpster ? Do you ever see the sun ?
  38. Vynil33rpm I'm sure you're the greatest of all great American poets, although I never understand one word.
  39. Are you a poet living in a dumpster ?
  40. I'm sure your therapist has a name for it.
  41. Your homemade poetry is second to none.
  42. The cowboys on film always looked (and still look) very clean, but in real life they were dirty. No bathrooms out in the wilderness.
  43. Thanks dav2no1. Unfortunately no money was found. Maybe next time ? ...
  44. Thanks for the interest in my phone. I still haven't found out of all the things it can do. Therefore the instructions. I refuse to have a cell phone. When I'm out of the house, I don't want to be dis...
  45. Thanks again. I'll make a note about that on the vase's facts sheet. Everything of at least some interest in my collection has a facts sheet.
  46. Many thanks for the answer. The enamels are in fact enclosed by wires. I've uploaded a - hopefully - better photo. Any idea of a more precise dating ?
  47. Halleluja.
  48. No they can't. They only tell about the situation at the moment. But I have another glass device, a 'storm glass', which can tell about bad weather coming or going. I can make a post about that anothe...
  49. The Golgatha comes from my feeling crucified by your remarks.
  50. Yes Vinyl33rpm. You could start with the Falcon61 comment.
  51. See more