Posted 10 years ago
(1018 items)
I finished restoring this one about 3 years ago. I remember when I got this one, it had at least 4 coats of black and white paint on it and one was even an antique orange color. Anyway, I was barely able to get all of the paint removed. That was a difficult job to do!! Once upon a time, someone had replaced the original handles with cast iron handles (both were different styles and sizes from one another). The markings from the original handles were still there. So, I put the correct handles back on it.
I finished the exterior, built a tray for it and relined the interior. This one now belongs to a local gentleman that is taking very good care of it. I just saw it 3 weeks ago for the first time since it left my shop over 2 years ago.
I'm thinking this one is Pre-Civil War era, but don't quote me on that. I'm still not sure about the age or origination. One thing that stood out to me was the heavy cast iron lock hasp. It's the only one I have ever seen. Anyone out there have any info on this one?
Thanks for the love PatSea!!
Thanks for the consideration!! You might want to let T-Man, Drill, Jim or one of the other guys handle that one. They're much better than at that than myself.
It can be quite a task!! Old leather is much, much easier to remove than old canvas. I really try to salvage the canvas when I can.
PatSea, Another thought. Most canvas was attached with a water soluble glue. With that being said, you might try dampening it before removal. Always seems to make the job a lot easier for me when stripping rotted canvas from a trunk. Just a thought!! Someone else out there may have a better remedy for you.
Great new postings!!
Thank you Sean!! I do appreciate the kind comment. Seems like I've collected so many things over the years. Some of it I had forgotten I had. With that being said, you yourself have quite the amazing collection!! Thanks again!!
Hello jscott!! your very welcome !! I have done that myself ,where ive forgotten about things!! :) Thankyou jscott for the nice comment!!
Thanks for all of the loves everyone!!!
Beautiful wood grain on the front of that trunk. These trunks are often misdated because of the large head brass nails. Her are some clues. Your trunk corners are at the time, what was called double Iron bound (as opposed to a single iron strap) and that was not done until the later part of the 1860's. The cast iron hasp is something I have on a very early Excelsior (so it could be no earlier than 1868, the patent year of the Oak slat) and some other trunks I have from the 1860's. I believe your trunk is from the mid to late 1860's. If your trunk had handle covers that would also be in line with my estimate, but the ones on there now are about 20 years too early. The handle holes are also a give away to a replacement tray, or someone added the holes (these trunks would normally had cloth lift handles inside the tray) i am not sure what you mean about orientation, but if you mean origin of manufacture, then definitely American.
Thanks Jim! The handle end cap holes were left behind when someone replaced the handles. That's why I went back with the these type of handles. As far as the tray goes, I went by pictures of similar trunks of this style and designed my tray from that. The origination of the trunk threw me off, because I'd never seen a cast iron hasp before and I have yet to see another, though I know they're out there. However, it looked very similar to American made trunks that I'd seen pictures of. I'd just never seen a cast iron lock hasp. Thanks for the comment Jim. I'm always looking to learn more and more about trunks and I've already learned quite a bit from you and the others on CW. Thanks Again!!
Very nice,Love the grain as well and the interior is awesome.
Thank you Drill!! Another one of those time consuming interiors. But, well worth it in the end.
Thanks for the love pops!!
Lora, thanks for the love and for stopping by to check out my trunk. Much appreciated!!!!
Thanks for the love and for stopping by. Merry Christmas!!!
Thank you both very much for the loves and for stopping in!!