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North Jersey

Crusty, Curmudgeon,Retired Drill Sgt. that collects and refinishes Trunks, love the victorian era time period and the industrial revolution. Email- markstovall@optCrusty, Curmudgeon,Retired Drill Sgt. that collects and refinishes Trunks, love the victorian era time period and the industrial revolution. Email- markstovall@optonline.net (Read more)


  1. The Eagle "Victor" lock was patented by G.L. Gaylord April 15 1879. The monitor trunk design patents were by Phillip Carpeles encompassing two different patents 1. Jan.22,1889 patent # 18,875 (...
  2. http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US291230-0.png http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US291230-0.png
  3. http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US291230-0.png An 1884 Romadka patent that can help date it.
  4. A Nice find T-man it cleaned up well.
  5. Just changed a photo or two on this one. Thanks Scott for the kind words and everyone else for the loves.
  6. A Nice Barrel stave trunk by a fine maker, Some History: D.C. Lang (born in Albany Ny. July 8 1852) purchased Fond du lac trunk factory Wisconsin. In 1874 managed the company alone for a year. ...
  7. The links that I shared above are from Marvin Miller at this old trunk.
  8. The binding and more than likely the hardware was made by J.H. Sessions and sons. http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/fzjoFxy8f6Pz1pUk-4Y8cg.jpg The Sessions link above was previously posted b...
  9. Some patents and catalog info that may shed some light. https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US369147-0.png http://www.thisoldtrunk.com/store/images/trunks2/T117_20161206_EmbossedMetal_...
  10. Thank you for the kind words.
  11. Thought you would appreciate it. My favorite is the way that they described how all of them were made. the description to detail for each item being sold. "Solid leather" ,"Brass riveted" ,"Finest wat...
  12. https://images.library.wisc.edu/History/EFacs/VictorianShopping/reference/history.victorianshopping.i0029.pdf Hey Scott, Just thought I would share a link to an extensive Harrod's trunk catalog tha...
  13. http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US721165-0.png http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US986841-0.png Some patent images that may apply: A good rule to keep in mind, the ...
  14. Eagle lock company was one of the largest producers / providers of lock & latch hardware to the trunk industry( Terryville Conn.).Even Hinges and other components were produced by them. They invente...
  15. I would venture to say that it looks similar to Osh Kosh chief luggage 1940's to 50s' below are some links to advertising. Below are some links to advertising and history Hope this helps ,thanks ...
  16. I agree with Greendog, Murphy's oil soap is great for a light cleaning .This is not a high dollar trunk. Sentimental value is very different though. From the looks of the drill and wire wheel in pict...
  17. It appears to be an image of a equal sided Jenny Lind T-man, hinged on the flat side not the rounded side. I and others have been looking for quite some time for it. Zoom in on the label. Happy hunting.
  18. That is a wonderful find . It's in great original condition for it's age.The interior label is a rare one, that I have only seen twice.It has an image on that label of a rare trunk that we all search ...
  19. Thanks for the kind words, jscotto363 ,WillysVa, and everyone for the love. As for the trunk: Everyone does them a little different, So this trunk was missing the bottom leather on the sides and both...
  20. This trunk is a nice find a (Raw hide) example of a Crouch & Fitzgerald jewelry and sample case 1903-07 If you search for that you will find advertising for this trunk on E-bay. Below are just a few ...
  21. That's awesome Scott
  22. Thanks for the kind words K it has a twin https://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/130139-g-and-s-trunk-pat-dates-june-11-1895-f?in=1169-activity
  23. Below is a link to a 1896 advertisement for the Clinton wall trunk. This trunk finished out very well, love the look of it. https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_New_England_Business_Directory_...
  24. JPH57 my e-mail is listed in my profile. If you would care to send me some pictures I might be able to steer you in the proper direction. Keep in mind condition and scarcity impact value.
  25. I apologize, 2 of the above links unfortunately will not post to collectors weekly. If you send me an e-mail listed in my profile KSherwood I will send you the images that failed to post.
  26. Without a label it is hard to say definitively who made it. It's tricky but here goes. There were many ( around 20) wall trunk companies. Patents were held and also sold for use by others. Below i...
  27. Hey T- man ,I knew it was in that mess of patents I have. Happy holidays to you and family. https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/9d/4c/1b/3fd0cd0f57dc14/USRE8520-drawings-page-1.png
  28. https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/9c/dc/f1/de7356379d5106/US312715-drawings-page-1.png http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US225497-0.png Here are some patent images that ...
  29. Here are some patents that may apply to this trunk.A good guide is that it can be no older than the oldest patent dates.Many popular trunk patents were used for a number of decades. Hope this helps t...
  30. This trunk is known as a Jenny Lind trunk. A tell tale sign is the large brass buttons and hour glass or bread loaf shape. They were made by hundreds of makers between the 1840s to the end of the 187...
  31. There were many trunk manufacturers without a label it is hard to say exactly who made it. Having said that , parameters between 1920s to 1935s based on some of the hardware visible. I have seen very...
  32. Your welcome Cassie, glad you got the advertising . It is neat to match up, advertising or pictures of the storefront even different types of the makers labels and place it with the trunk. I do that ...
  33. That's a lotta gifts under the tree.
  34. Your Welcome. It is the "Celebrated Stanley trunk model" 1904 I have a search link to that image below, it may not post.If it does, click on the image in the upper right corner for a better view. ...
  35. Thanks for the post. I Believe this trunk to be a Homer Young dresser.Belo is some advertising. https://www.atticpaper.com/prodimages/090610_B/youngstrunk.jpg
  36. Thanks for the post. A really wonderful Zinc Trunk T-man, those latches were part of a major federal lawsuit Cowell vs. Sessions. Sessions held the C.A Taylor latch patents and asserted that Cowell (...
  37. A great find for "free" .It very well could be a Seward trunk as they were one of the many large manufacturers. Especially seeing the trunk tray patent.This trunk style is considered a cross slat trun...
  38. I can't say that I have seen them without a lock, a trunk after all carried valuables that people tended to want secure. Having said that, anything is possible it sure could have been added later.
  39. The trunk really finished out well, great job. I collect trunk advertising. I have only seen two manufacturers advertising that shows that style of handle.Having said that I'm sure there were others. ...
  40. This type of trunk style is considered a cross slat trunk 1880's .They were made by the thousands by many manufacturers. Without a label it is hard to say which maker made it. Below are some patent i...
  41. This style of trunk was mass produced by the thousands by a hundred different makers without a label or patented hardware it is hard to say exactly who made it. This type of lock was more than like...
  42. http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US540734-0.png Here is the Goldsmith 1895 hardware patent that may apply to this trunk.
  43. Some history in a catalog. https://www.buckinghambooks.com/book/taylor-trunks-for-the-profession/
  44. The C.A. Taylor company was established in 1859. C.A Taylor had many trunk patents along the way. They had 2 locations Chicago and New York. Most of the early ones only have the Chicago location stam...
  45. You educated guess of 1890's is good. These Cross slat trunks were made by the thousands across America, by many makers for many years .Without a label it is hard to say exactly who made it. The major...
  46. Here are some patents that apply to this paper covered trunk. There were hundreds of makers during the time period that used many of these trunk parts. Without a label it is very hard to say which ma...
  47. https://denhams.com/lot/273/april-2016#lg=1&slide=3 An image of an intact label. Wondering if yours is the same? I would imagine this one saw it's way onto a few carriages. Always safe to call th...
  48. This Hector Lamontage & company trunk is wonderful.Thanks for posting a fine example of one of Canada's major trunk makers.
  49. A very nice job bringing it back.
  50. Some info not much out there http://collections.musee-mccord.qc.ca/en/collection/artifacts/VIEW-2539.1 Morgan storefront picture 1890's http://progress-is-fine.blogspot.com/2013/01/we-used-to-ma...
  51. See more


Small Patent Leather Steamer Trunk My Metal Covered Flattop Trunk


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