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    Posted 14 years ago

    (127 items)

    This is my absolute favorite, regardless of condition! Story goes that my grandmother drew this of my mother--as both the mother and child--back in the early 50's. An unfortunate tea pitcher incident has damaged the piece and I just have not found the time or right person to restore it.

    The price on back? That would be where my Aunt held a garage sale while my grandparents were gone one Saturday morning. Saturday evening was spent going door to door getting the stuff back! Thank goodness the next door neighbor bought this one!

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    1. antiquefreaque antiquefreaque, 14 years ago
      Funny story about the rummage sale!!!! Very pretty woman!!
    2. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Thank you! Granny actually did a pretty good job figuring out what Mom would look like as an adult---not exact, but close.
    3. antiquefreaque antiquefreaque, 14 years ago
      She must have been pretty talented! Did she mainly paint pictures of people or other scenery as well?
    4. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Mainly people, specifically her family!
    5. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Glad you enjoy it FL_Medic82!
    6. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Thanks candiceanne81!
    7. thriftfan thriftfan, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the love upstatenycollector!
    8. thriftfan thriftfan, 13 years ago
      Appreciate it hedge and walksoftly!
    9. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      thays beautiful you love my 1923 painting do you know of it thanks
    10. thriftfan thriftfan, 13 years ago
      Appreciate the like michelleamieux!
    11. Smileytammy Smileytammy, 7 years ago
      I have this exact same watercolor and a matching one as well
    12. Smileytammy Smileytammy, 7 years ago
      Found out who the artist is: sandu lieberman from Romania. This piece if original, is worth a lot of money

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