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Hel1's loves13 of 2049Micro Mosaic Ring and Brooch both 18ct.Silver flower brooch marked Tiffany
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (41 items)

    What I think I know about this set . Jimmy Long (JL) 1970's Navajo turquoise and sterling silver. Jimmy Long does a hidden mark. I found it on the knecklace and bracelet , but not the ring and ear rings. My questions are if there is no mark on ring and ear rings are they fake. Necklace is broken but I believe I have all the beads and the chain. Is it worth getting fixed. How do I tell if it's real ? Should I have it appraised ? Insured ? This set belongs to a friend , it came to her from a wealthy Aunt , who is no longer with us to ask. Any help is appreciated

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    1. Arlette, 4 years ago
      Thank you valentino97 , it is very nice . I was told it is a rare piece , but I don't know anything about this type of jewelry .
    2. Manikin Manikin, 4 years ago
      Turquoise Squash Blossom Necklace Navajo ! Beautiful and YES it should be repaired :-)
    3. Manikin Manikin, 4 years ago
      I would say your set is quite valuable and if mine would be sure to store it proper and in a very safe place .
    4. Arlette, 4 years ago
      Squash blossom yes , thank you Manikin , it is in my safe , but I will have to find out how it should be stored . The lady that owns it gave it to me to get information about it , she had it in a plastic bag.
    5. Arlette, 4 years ago
      Thanks Valentino 97 and Everyone , I talked with the owner and she wants to get the necklace fixed and appraised. And they are in my safe , and I just rewrapped them in a soft cloth. Hopefully I will remember to post pictures after it is fixed .

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