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Chinese Export teapot

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Deepseas72's items8 of 160Pair of 19th c. VasesSpode George III bute shaped cup circa 1807-1811
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (160 items)

    I don’t know much about this little teapot. Found it in a thrift store a couple years ago. I just love the contrast between the beautiful, colorful pictures, and the small black and white panels at the front and back.
    I’d love to know more about it.

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    1. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      x insert fake qianlong- bow- derbyshire- lowestoft- bearnes hampton- liverpool
    2. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      insert republic glazing
    3. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      insert worchester
    4. Deepseas72 Deepseas72, 2 years ago
      Apostata, how old is it? And how can I tell the difference between Chinese export and English imitations?
    5. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      well i hardly now it myself to be honest
      real lets say the better qianlong are busy pieces , a n domination in the purple and the red tonaliteit , so less white appear, and i think the underglaze is more bluish

      the blushing in the faces is an indication posssibly and the oranje lining of the is faces, and the colours are very vivid and dense

      english and frenck porcelain is more western design

      we are probably in mandarin polychrome here , but there is something about the glazing, but i got no idea what , so i am quite nerveus to make major , so i am in trouble that i coulb be far of ,

      be back , i am on this for an awfull lot of time
    6. rob_p, 2 years ago
      'apostata' is overthinking it a bit :) It's Qianlong period (late 18th century) Famille rose decorated teapot in so called 'Mandarin' palette. Very typical piece for the period.
    7. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      well WAki is kind of slow , because Waki is living on wires

      i totally agree with. actually it is 1770-1780 to be precise Waki was wondering why the lustre was inconsistent ( no lustEr hairbrush by the woman)

      and waki understood the bird

      and waki didnot understood why an arm resting on the table, in an longsleeve garment leads to hiding

      and waki didnot understand the light frotte of the daogung bowl you assesed, and the the frotte is shallow waki was and the clearing is late , so waki wondered they used an daoguang mark in an late guangxu typing

      and waki wondered why why Rob he did,not assess and 4 seasons bowl with probably a crysantium

      and waki wondered why rob didnot, explain the possible social antroposohical meaning of the dichotomy of live in this bowl

      But you are right i am slow actually took me quite a long time, because to assessment the quality also
    8. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      and as you can see i am totally inchorent , we call this severe epilepsy , so i hope you will pardon me next time
    9. Deepseas72 Deepseas72, 2 years ago
      Thank you, rob_p , that was the conclusion of several people in the Facebook group China Trade Porcelain as well.

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