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Fairbairn-Sykes Commando Fighting Knife

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (134 items)

    I have had this knife packed away for about 20 years. I am not even sure where I got it, but I used to collect knives a long time ago, so I may have found it at a flea market or yard sale back then. While looking through various posts on CW I found one that showed a familiar knife, so I went up in the attic and dug through bins until I found this. The blade measures 6 5/8 inches long, and the entire knife measures 11 1/4 inches. The black finish on the handle is worn through a a few areas, showing a copper color beneath. The only marking on it is "Sheffield England" on the handle side of the cross guard. The sheath that I got it with is not original, but the blade is so sharp that I don't dare leave it unprotected. In fact, quite ironically, the leather sheath is marked "made in Germany".

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    1. dlfd911 dlfd911, 12 years ago
      Thank you for this information Hems303, it's much appreciated. So it's possible that the black leather sheath that is with my knife is original to it then. It has a really nice feel in your hand, balanced perfectly, easy to hold with a light or heavy grip. The blade is quite sharp, although if I were to carry it I would have to put a razor edge on it.

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