Truthisanarrow08 » collections



Chicago Ill

I have been collecting now for 40 years.....Just about anything really except furniture......Porcelain, glass, golf putters are some of my favs. This place has been I have been collecting now for 40 years.....Just about anything really except furniture......Porcelain, glass, golf putters are some of my favs. This place has been valuable in helping me to determine things about items that I cant find research on...Many people here have been fun and gracious.......Email me with any concerns please.... (Read more)


  1. Thx all for the Love again....
  2. Lovin the art glass New...Thank you for all your posts and the sharing aspect you give this place....
  3. Thank you all once again.....
  4. Thx Fort, Bronmar
  5. Thx again all for the love of my stuff...Really appreciate this...John
  6. Thank you mp.kunst...A wealth of knowledge you do possess.
  7. Thank you all for the Luvvvvvs. Appreciate this...
  8. Thx vcal
  9. Thx Fort.....always count on your support here
  10. Studio Pottery Juozas and Rasa Saldaitis Toucan Bowl with Handles.....Finally the mystery solved.....
  11. Awesome Sean. Need to learn how to use that Google Lens more.... Appreciate this as always....
  12. Thx all for the love...Much appreciated.....Possibly Mexican glass is about all I have garnered so far....
  13. Thx Vcal
  14. Thank you Mr V50.....Nice to hear from you....
  15. Thank you Newfld. Really appreciate all your wisdom over the years....
  16. Thank you Sean...Back to the drawing board.
  17. Happy Easter......
  18. Awesome I will be watching for it....thx again...
  19. Thank you Sean....dav2no
  20. Thank you for sharing and for your service Deano....Much appreciated
  21. Thank you sir. And if you served time, I thank you for that as well....
  22. Ty as always TC....appreciate it.
  23. Thx all... Hey TallCakes, possibly share that link please and TY......Ty again mp.k
  24. Great story...Thx for sharing all this....
  25. Oddly enough the decoration reminds me of asian flavor, but this is not an asian makers mark, that I know for sure.....
  26. Anyone recognize the mark here ??
  27. Thank well...
  28. Thx for sharing these kwqd.......Not sure if this has ever been asked of you, but does your name here stand for something...kwqd ? appreciate you...
  29. Thanks Tall Cakes.
  30. Anyone as intrigued as I am as to what this is ? Does anyone share that this is part of a chandolier possibly ?
  31. So I imagine a finial being on top of something. Lamp, bedpost, etc. This if it were to be from a Chandolier would be on the bottom inverted up....I think....Thats the best I could come up with..........
  32. No Storks mp.kunst
  33. For all the Steiners out there........
  34. Awesome. Thank you very much for that. Thought maybe was the artist. Thanks again......
  35. Thx all for the luv.....Appreciate all of you in here....
  36. Homer James Yarrito Glass
  37. Lovin the shrooms.....
  38. Thx all for the love on this one....
  39. Wow thank you very much again Tall Cakes. You are unbelievable. Retired glasses from 1937...thx again
  40. Thanks for the kind words all. Appreciate it....
  41. Not the easiest pattern to see here. Anyone have any idea on design name of these
  42. Awesome.!! You are very quick to solving mysteries. I tried for 2 days and couldnt find anything.....much appreciated.....John
  43. This is one of the most sought after pieces of Hobnail Milk Glass out there. Or at least it use to be. Sometimes if you are extremely lucky you come across one of another color. Turquoise, Green, Pin...
  44. Daum Nancy one more time.....Enjoy
  45. Hoping one day to find a Rookwood..So far my hunt has eluded me over the years.....I mean I could always just go out and buy one......but
  46. Outstanding piece.......
  47. Awesome !!!!!
  48. Thx Vcal. V50 and the rest. Appreciate you....
  49. Could be. It does already sit on a 4x6 metal stand. I appreciate the input and thx for your ????on this. Really appreciate it.
  50. Thx for all the Love for this beauty...
  51. See more


Loetz Marie Kirschner Design, Olympia with Ozon Cisele Double Handled Vase PN 1090/6, ca 1904 Bubbled Plastic/Resin on Enameled Copper Decorative Art Bowl