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Double Sided Coca-Cola Grocery Aisle Stand & Improved Coke Truck

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Coke Signs539 of 11231960's Coca-Cola Bottle SignPoor Condition Coke Plam Plate
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (120 items)

    I asked a few fellow collectors about this isle stand and with their help I was very excited to buy this sign. I wanted to buy this sign last weekend but I was not 100% sure if I should because I just got a sign last weekend. I now know its worth every penny and a pretty hard to find sign. Considering these were used in general stores you would think they would be easier to come by since a general store would have used more than one, but finding one now is very hard. Most of this stand has been restored, except the most important piece, the coca cola center piece is in original condition. The signs underneath were recently made to close the deal, and I think they look fantastic. When the flash from the camera goes off they light up! This aisle stand is the nicest one I have ever seen what do you guys think?

    To make this day even better he had some extra Lincoln toy truck cases for my truck! I was able to get 9 cases plus a hand dolly for 2 silver maple 1oz silver coins.

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    1. spriteboy42 spriteboy42, 11 years ago
      Awesome find! Seen quite a few of these but never with those side signs, they alway have isle numbers instead
    2. Trey Trey, 11 years ago
      Great find, it looks great, a nice addition to your Awesome collection.
    3. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 11 years ago
      I've never seen one with the base before. I find it interesting that these sat mid-top shelf at the ends of the grocery aisles back in the 50's. Today we see the equivalents hanging from the ceiling at the end of each aisle.

      Attention Coca-Cola Shoppers: Awesome sign at Trevor's place, aisle 1!

      (Truck looks nice too Trev, way to wheel and deal the bundle.)

    4. tommy1002 tommy1002, 11 years ago
      Look at all that Cokie goodness!!! Great grabs Trevor.
    5. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 11 years ago
      Thanks very much spritboy42, Trey, Dave, and Tom! My isle stand is one of a kind custom made, I know its better to keep antiques original, but the seller told me he wanted his to be unique so he made the round signs! He knew they were suppose to be numbers, but thought the numbers were boring, hardly anyone has isles in their collection. I like my version wayy better, just curious has anyone seen a complete original one?

      Thanks for commenting on my Truck too Dave! I was just going add that picture to my other post, but I didn't think anyone would see it so I slipped it in with this post. Very glad you commented on them, these cases were kind of pricey. 2 silver oz is approx 50$, I could have gotten 12 repo's off ebay for that much, but I only got 9 and the dolly. I'm pretty sure their all original, the seller was unable to confirm 100%, does anyone know how to tell them apart?
    6. cheepcheep232, 11 years ago
      Love the "take home a carton" stands. Would love to find one of those for all the bottles!
    7. kanukster kanukster, 11 years ago
      I'm glad my 'Take Home A Carton 25c.' sign went to a good home!
    8. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 11 years ago
      Thanks alot cheepcheep232, and Kanukster! I do enjoy having this stand very much if you come across any more you will have to let me know.
    9. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 10 years ago
      Hey Trev, Check out the completeness of this grocery signage set:

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