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Very Nice Green, Black and White Signed Czech. Vase

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Bohemian Art Glass6857 of 6898Sweet Little Harrach Bird VaseKralik Urn Vase Signed
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (118 items)

    I just love this vase. The ruffled top in jet black and the vase in Green Aventine make it look great. Does anyone know who made this style vase. I head that "Weld" was the designer but don't know for sure.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. ozmarty ozmarty, 14 years ago
      Hi Mark Welz, check out this great site:
    2. Mark, 14 years ago
      Thanks so much ozmarty. My first question is I take it "Welz" was the designer for this piece or was the company who made the piece? Late 30's? The site is awesome, thanks so much.
    3. jericho jericho, 12 years ago
      Welz was a company, named after Franz Welz in bohemia in the 1800's and early 1900's. the Czechoslovakia stamp would date this for export around 1925
    4. charcoal charcoal, 12 years ago
      Maybe flash cards?
    5. jericho jericho, 12 years ago
      Believe the most likely scenario, jericho

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