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It's "Paczki (poonch-key) Day"at Kiedrowski's Bakery...Time To Brave The Elements !

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1232 items)

    My friend and I stood in line for half an hour (sometimes longer in the past) at our local bakery Kiedrowski's yesterday for the annual Paczki run. A delicious little jelly donut like confection used to celebrate Fat Tuesday in the local Polish/Catholic community before the beginning of Lent. Poppyseed is my favorite...Polish Rose tastes like soap to Ash Wednesday today begins Lent and you are suppose to give up something you really love until Easter morning when you celebrate all over again. Thanks Easter Bunny ! It's a big deal at Kiedrowski's here in Northeastern Ohio with lots of local media coverage. That usually happens early in the morning when the line is really long. Wind breaks, heaters, and free coffee make the wait tolerable under the outside portico. Not so bad this winter but in the past.... Yikes ! There was live accordion music as well as the Paczki King and Queen in attendance for a photo op. They are crowned at the annual Paczki Ball the night before. Sort of like our local Polish version of Mardi Gras. -Mike-


    1. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      Looks like a lot of fun :-)
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      It is Bladerunner...great food and of course you can get your "Polka" :)
    3. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks Thomas :)...this is almost as big as Christmas (retail wise) for a small family owned bakery like this. My video game store was just three doors down (pun intended and true) and we'd be busy as well even if people were just coming in to get out of the cold. Miss my store ...damn recession. :( Closed the doors in 2010.
    4. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 9 years ago
      thanks for sharing this. I love local traditions
    5. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      You're welcome Kivatinitz :)
    6. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      I sure do Thomas...I also got my hands on a bunch of CED remember those ?? Need a player though and they are rare and big bucks when the show up on Ebay. Only a few companies made the players and then the laser discs took their place.
    7. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      So much fun and cool! Thanks for the post Mike.
    8. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks Karen...We didn't go to the bakery last year because it was so bitter cold. No one wanted to stand in line for up to an hour and freeze. Getting Paczki from anywhere else just isn't the :)
    9. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thank you Val..oh they are but they're meant to be eaten right away. If you leave them out overnight they'll turn into cannon I put our extras into resealable lunch bags or freeze them. If there are any. :)
    10. Ivonne Ivonne, 9 years ago
      How many "paczki" have you eaten,Mike?I've just one this year.Just to meet a tradition :-)
      For those who doesn't like donuts there are angel wings .They're easier to make and I usually make them.
    11. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Just two Ivonne...a poppy seed and an apricot My Grandma and Aunt used to make Kruschecki which I haven't had since I was a little boy. Are angel wings similar ? I think of the somewhat heart shape crisp pastry as Angel wings.
    12. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Whooooo, I'm hungry now... and drooling on my keyboard!
      Vade retro Satanas!
    13. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      ..... yes they are tempting Kyra, but too much of a good thing can be lethal to the waist . Oh what the heck it's only once a year !
    14. Ivonne Ivonne, 9 years ago
      I think you're right.They have different local names :chrust or faworki.This is pastry fried in a deep fat,like a wide ribbon with a hole in a middle.I've found another word in a dictionary :cenci.
    15. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Man those look delicious:) can you mail those? LOL
    16. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      lol...Trey I bet you could find a similar version locally or at a K mart or Walmart but they won't be the same as these. We've had the in store bakery ones too. Not sure how long they continue to make them though past Fat Tuesday. :)

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