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Vintage Clamper Bracelet with Brass Wire

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Plastic46 of 63Large Polka Dots BangleVintage Studded Lucite (?) Bangle
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1224 items)

    I am not too sure what I got here but I think it is a vintage plastic clamper bracelet, possibly from around the 1970's. The bracelet is in perfect condition except some wear on the metal inside of it.

    I have searched on line for some time but have not found one like it yet. There are no markings.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      That's pretty. There is an ivory color clamper bracelet in a local thrift shop that is also made with brass wire. I must have looked at it a million times. Next time I go to that shop, I think I'll go ahead and splurge 50 cents or a buck and get it.
    2. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      I am so jealous! Here one cannot find anything for less than $3 or $4 dollar anymore. If there is something good for 99 cents it's like winning the lottery.
      Prices in second-hand stores, consignment, or charity stores have almost doubled over the last years. In these stores one can find two kinds of costumers: the ones out on their luck and collectors like me/resellers. You should see the cars the show up in! In one of the stores close to my work they know when the lady comes out with new items and they hang out there waiting for here. It's almost like a new kind of social club.
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      LOL! Sometimes I have to pay a bit more for something, but in the shops I frequent the most the price is 25 cents, 50 cents or a buck for most jewelry. I am only lucky if I happen to go into a shop when the jewelry is being put out. :-))))
    4. davyd286, 8 years ago
      A couple of the big name designers used that material for their costume jewelry, like Oscar de la Renta or Givenchy - can't remember now which one of the two - if I come across my signed necklace I have stashed somewhere, I'll post an update.
    5. lentilka11, 8 years ago
      sigh..lucky you...thrift stores here in Bratislava easily charge 4- 8 EUR per costume jewelry piece (which can be a price for a new costume jewelry piece in "normal" stores BTW). If there is a sale, then you can get the piece cheaper, for example for 2 EUR, but at that time there are almost no good pieces in thrift store. Vintage stores are even worse!! My best deal is to go to the flea market - where the pieces usually are sold for 50 cents or 1 EUR. But some sellers there are not stupid, and check for silver / amber / etc regularly.
      25 cents - never. Lucky Efesgirl :)
    6. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Mary and lentilka11, sorry for my late replay. I just now checked this posting again.
      Lentilka11, I have traveled many times to Europe, and I have never found any bargains there. Maybe if I would know the right place.....

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