Posted 7 years ago
(37 items)
EDITED : SOLVED , Vietnamese ceramic artist Nguyen Quang . Great example of traditional Vietnamese traditional ceramic vase. It's 4 inches tall and 7 inches at the waist. Four color glazing, black, blue, orange and sienna in a high gloss. The top has a funnel style shape in a classic Asian form. Thanks to Maidang 90 for solving this mystery!
with pottery, we ALWAYS need to see a good shot of the base - even if there is no writing there - to say anything about the piece. looks cool though!
Thanks to political PB, Vetraio, aura, nutsabotas6, it is appreciated !
Thanks Ho2cultcha ! I have edited my post to include a shot of the bottom . Thanks for your interest. B
Thanks you glassnut and shareyourpassion!
Hello, this vase made in Vietnam and belong to Quang's Ceramic of Artist Nguyen Nhu Quang.
If you want to see more, you can search Quang's Ceramic on Facebook.
I see this photo when i try to search on Google.
Maidang I overlooked this wonderful comment for 7 months . Thank you so much. I apologize for my tardiness.
Thanks for the love clicks:
Viking girl, it nice to have you stop bye.