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Part of Dresser Set

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Czech Glas and Crystal12 of 18Czech VaseThe Second Piece Has Just Arrived...
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1224 items)

    I received this from my mom. It is part of a dresser set and consists of at least 6-8 pieces. I believe it might be Bohemian.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      Is it a drawer pull? I'm not sure and is the flower silver? I'm just confused today about everything I think...
    2. skivatinitz skivatinitz, 8 years ago
      nice crystal, sure bohemian
    3. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Shareurpassion, I am sorry for my bad post. I should take some more and better pictures. What I posted is a little bowl/dish that is part of a set. It is made of dark red glass or crystal and has engraved lines and images of roses. The lines and roses are gilded. I have only the posted dish in my possession because the other pieces are at my mom's house. There are also smaller dishes, perfume bottles, covered bowls....
    4. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Mary, Thanks for your comment. I will post the other piece - with better pictures- when I get them. My mom send me the first piece by mail and didn't tell me about it. I protested because I didn't want it to get broken in the process but by that time she had mailed already the second piece. It should arrive any time now. I do hope it comes intact:)
    5. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Skivatinitz, thanks so much for your comment. The piece comes from a town called Baerenstein, located in Germany, a stone's throw from the Czech border. The town on the other side of the border is Vejprty (Czech) or formerly Weipert (old German name). For that reason I believe that there is a strong possibility that t is Bohemian, even though it is not signed.
    6. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Many thanks for all of your love:
      TassieDevil, and

      P.S.: Today arrived the second piece of this set. I will post it shortly.

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