Posted 5 years ago
(942 items)
We have a few Dealer Signs at the Lakeside Museum but not a lot and when we located this one we had to have it. It’s a big 6’ porcelain sign and not a common sign to find. We found it across the Planet in Ontario Canada and it’s on it’s way to us right now. It has a few signs of wear but is a pretty decent sign for its age. Better shape than I am! Getting signs out of Canada and dealing with shipping etc can be a nightmare and runs up the cost. It costs more to ship from Niagara Falls to Utah than it costs to ship from nowhere Maine to Ut. Go figure that one out?
Thx for the like it. This sign came from Ontario Canada.
Antique Toys
Thx for the love it
Sweet sign :) This would go perfectly with my Dealership signs :)
Thx for the love it and comment. The sign just made its way from Ontario to MO yesterday and is on its way to Provo finally.
Awesome sign and great content being chevy/oldsmobile
Thx for the comment. I agree and I haven’t seen another one like it before. This came from Canada and perhaps they were more common up there?