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Mantel Clocks64 of 716Smiths Sectric Clock West Germany made Bulova mantel clock
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1 item)

    My son picked this up at a curb alert.I dont know much about clocks. I researched it but cant find any information. I know its from Germany but thats about it. Im stumped!! I usually do a good job of researching items we find!

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    1. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 5 years ago
      I believe the "S- Anker" represents the clocks made by Hermle Schwebe Anker who made German mantle clocks in the 1940s -1960s. That's about all that I could find.
      Curbside pickup is awesome sometimes. I am avoiding it while we are watching out for some strange virus here in Texas.
    2. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 5 years ago
      If you open the back, look inside and there should be a pendulum swinging inside. You don't want to move or transport the clock with removing that pendulum because it can easily break the parts that it hangs from. It should just lift up and unhook.
    3. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 5 years ago
      correction....You don't want to move or transport the clock (WITHOUT) removing that pendulum because it can easily break the parts that it hangs from.
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      Looks late 30's and very beautiful. I always wished I had a clock like this since it was similar to my grandmothers.
    5. zebulynnberryman zebulynnberryman, 5 years ago
      Thank you all for the information. He is pretty proud of it! It seems all in tact! Its missing the winding tool so I think I will try and find one and the little bit of cosmetic damage it has on it I will leave as is. I believe it gives it character and tells a story we may never understand!
    6. zebulynnberryman zebulynnberryman, 5 years ago
      One more question? It did not of the winding key. Where would I look to find one?
    7. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 5 years ago

    8. Bruce99 Bruce99, 5 years ago
      "One more question? It did not of the winding key. Where would I look to find one?"

      You'll need to determine and find the proper size. Too small, you won't be able to wind. Too large and you could start to round off the square winding arbors.

      You could attempt to measure winding arbors and then consult a size chart.
      See this link for more details:

      Alternatively, if there is a good clock shop in your area, why not take it in for an evaluation and estimate for maintenance servicing. Many, if not most shops will give you a free, no obligation estimate. While you're there ask them to size your winding arbors. They will probably sell you a key for much less than you'll pay elsewhere.

      This is a beautiful, chiming Tambour. Like any machine, it needs periodic servicing.

      Welcome to the Clocks section of Collectors Weekly and thanks for sharing your recent find.



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