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  1. Hello!. Just came across this conversation when looking for information on a cobalt glass vase marked USA a recent acquisition. Mine is about 10 in tall. I noticed the same one is currently listed on ...
  2. The vase is about 14" tall. I have been tempted to disassemble to examine more closely and may next time I'm feeling daring! Thanks for the comments.
  3. Many thanks, art.pottery. just now seeing your comments... The markings on the back of mine are illegible so your ability to identify is greatly appreciated.
  4. Thanks much for the thoughtful comments - glad you like! One question - not sure what "sheet over frames" means?
  5. Finally found the artist: Anne Schiesel Harris - mystery solved!
  6. Thanks so much. I'm very poor at facial recognition so appreciate all the help I can get. I'm still working on it...I'll post any useful info I find!
  7. Thanks to all... I'm stumped. I do think it's a racing event because of the programs and the binoculars.... And I just assume it's in Kentucky because that's where my uncle was from... And I further s...
  8. A beautiful piece! I can't make out much detail but from what I can see I suspect this textile is Peruvian, and possibly antique - I have come across a number of pieces from Peru which incorporate a...
  9. I do believe you are right! Fascinating - also found this cw entry which appears to have the same odd signature? Thanks so much!
  10. Sorry - did not mean to imply your bracelet is of lower quality - just pointing out that some refer to 925 as "German Silver" - incorrectly. This is what is published on line: A 925 stamp (aka a . ...
  11. Hi - I believe the 925S means that it is what some call "German Silver" - designating the percentage of silver in the piece. Not, I think, quite as pure as "Sterling" but still quite good. That sai...
  12. Many thanks for the suggestions.!
  13. Solved: I appear to have answered my own question - not cedar but thuya wood - so interesting. Much more info out there but this li...
  14. Hello - actually this is a raffia weaving from Africa (Kuba people) - yours is a particularly nice one, in my opinion, by virtue of the elaborate pattern and apparent age/condition. There is a great ...
  15. Agree entirely - to include suggestion that it is a beaker rather than vase. So interesting. Thanks to all!
  16. Agree it is a charming piece and the history you have assembled is fascinating (and thorough). Just a thought - you might contact the framer (if you haven't already tried). They almost certainly won...
  17. Hello - I believe this is an African Fulani wedding blanket - from Mali? - quite desirable but agree, "scratchy"! Nice find....
  18. Possibly Spanish Moorish as looks similar to the one shown here
  19. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
  20. Hello - I'm not an expert but have a few pieces of pre-Columbian pottery and I would say "yes"....afraid I can't be more specific but suspect you might find something with similar decoration via Googl...
  21. Hi - although I can't see the detail that well, I believe the head is carved in the form of a squatting man - this suggests SE Asian origin, specifically Ifugao - Philippines. Perhaps if you Google "...
  22. Although I have no expertise I rather suspect it is Japanese (chintz?) Cannot offer any info on the mark. In any case, quite charming.
  23. I think you will be able to learn more by Googling "blackamoor" and "deco" and perhaps "lamp" , "pottery" "figures" - I've owned several items in this style - I believe they are from the 1950s but fol...
  24. Thanks ever so much! This is such an education.....Regards
  25. I'm not an expert in woods but it appears to me to be oak, likely stained later to simulate walnut? Great look - I would date late 19th, early 20th century.
  26. You might take a look at the NOVICA site - this is an example that to my eye is similar to yours both in terms of subject and style of crafting.
  27. Thanks also to ho2cultcha for the suggestion - somehow I didn't see your comment previously. Such a wealth of knowledge on this forum!
  28. Small world indeed - thanks ever so much! Learning from experts like you is so rewarding. I'll visit both links shortly! Thanks again
  29. Are you sure it's terracotta - I'm thinking perhaps lacquer? Just a thought...
  30. Believe it could be a contemporary depiction of the Mayan figure Huitzilopochtli? A sculptural piece intended to be enjoyed as a piece of art...Just a thought -nice in any event.
  31. There are a number of works signed "Lee Reynolds" on line - if you Google Lee Reynolds and "artist"....that said, the following is a statement by "Lee Reynolds" and clarifies the origin/authenticity ...
  32. Thanks for the suggestion. I fondly recall (and miss) Smith and Hawkin. Although I didn't specifically ask, I'm wondering if this is indeed "cranberry glass"? Did your vase also have the "gold" tin...
  33. Great looking clock - Fossil made/makes a retro line with the same form so yours could be by Fossil or it could be the older prototype? Google "Fossil, retro, alarm clock" and see what you think? Wh...
  34. I found quite a few references on line, this among them In any case, a very nice print!
  35. Ames does look like a good possibility. Thanks!
  36. Hurrah! Partial sucess - my bookends represent the Russian Cat of Kazan - If you just google you will see. Here is one such link
  37. If I recall correctly the red mark is a designation by the government for export? Is it wax? It probably is identified as from the Qing dynesty, spelling likely a matter of transcription. In any c...
  38. Thanks for the lead to Laurel Burch - definitely see the similarity! I love her work as well.
  39. What a treasure! Thanks for sharing....
  40. Hello - I believe these are the work of Anne Marston of NC. A google search will reveal more, though not a great deal. I find them charming!
  41. fascinating! thanks
  42. New photo added!
  43. Very nice! My best guess, it's a museum reproduction portraying one of the icons of ancient mesoamerica - jaguar or rabbit? Take a look on line.....I know I've seen the figure before but can't pull ...
  44. Thanks to some collectors on a glass forum this item has been identified as from Azerbaijan. Google "Azerbaijan glass" and think all will agree. Only remaining mystery - I have yet to see an example ...
  45. Actually you could be right. The only handmade paper I am familiar with is much thinner but now looking on line could well be! Thanks for the suggestion.
  46. Interesting notion-however, it is not symetrical so would not balance? You are correct about the mounting - it is off-center suggesting an amateurish effort. Thanks for the comments.
  47. The name is "Gloria Joy" - if you google that name along with "artist" you will see a number of references. Very pleasant print!
  48. Thanks ever so much! In retrospect it does remind me of makenge baskets I have seen (and admired) but don't recall having seen one with a figure design. In any case - I consider this mystery solved ...
  49. See more


Mexico silver


posted 3 months ago