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    Posted 10 years ago

    (5 items)

    Hi all,

    Please find below my post about the Panapet radio from Panasonic. I hope you enjoy my article.

    The Panasonic Panapet R-70 is a ball-shaped radio hung on a chain. It was one of the most popular portable radios from the early 1970s. It was produced by Panasonic to commemorate the World Expo in Osaka.

    There are two chrome plated dials on the surface, one for tuning and one for volume. The tuning display was inset on the surface of the ball. Initially the Panapet was only available as an AM radio. An AM-FM model was released later.

    The panapet came in several colors: yellow, green, white, red and blue.
    However, there also exists a purple Panapet. Opinions are divided on the authenticity of the purple Panapet.

    Because of the high popularity, they are rather easy to find. Unlinke many other radios, you can still even spot them with the original box! For 40€ you should be able to find a working panapet in a good condition. If you spend a little bit more money, you can buy a boxed one. However, if you want to buy the purple version, you might need to pay more than 150€ for this collectors item.

    Thanks for reading
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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      Love it -- had one!!!!!
    2. VintageWiki VintageWiki, 10 years ago
    3. vintage4sure, 10 years ago
      cool stuff !!!. I had the red with the box a while back and sold it.. I have a blue... :) nice collection
    4. Alka, 6 months ago
      Hi was looking for a blue Panasonic panapet radio R-70 boxed one.

      Could you help with this?

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