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Very unique lamp i recently found. (And love!)

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (5 items)

    Fairly large, heavy, brass lamp with marble base. Depicting a child (cherub?) holding a cornucopia(?) that is holding up five polka dotted globes. There's a pineapple up there too. And some hanging crystals. Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Any information would be so appreciated! Thanks.

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    1. tigerchips tigerchips, 9 years ago
      The shades look like Borske Sklo. I don't know if they made shades, they could be vases made into shades, not sure. You would have to ask someone more knowledgable on Sklo Union glass.
    2. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      I have specialized in statues and statue lamps for many years. I rather doubt they are original to the lamp, but they look clever and fun.
    3. Yurtle Yurtle, 9 years ago
      Oh wait... There's a sticker on one of the shades... "Boremia crystal"(?) does that help?
    4. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      That confirms what Tigerchips thought; Borske Sklo are Bohemian.
      This glass design is called Nemo, designed by Max Kannegiesser, and it is fantastic enamelled glass.
      Whether the shades were original to the lamp or not doesn't matter - it all looks great!
      Have a look here:
    5. Yurtle Yurtle, 9 years ago
      Wow! Yup. There they are! Thanks racer4! They are my favorite part of the lamp, those globes! (I did fail to mention that the one in the back is actually broken. Looks like something hit it and knocked a hole right in it. But, u can't tell if I turn it just the right way ;) thanks so much for ur comments everyone! I love this website! Stay tuned! I have a ton more good finds I plan on posting. So exciting!!
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Very Nice -- Yes Tiger Chips/Racer4 looks to be spot on...Stunning piece !!
    7. Yurtle Yurtle, 9 years ago
      Thank you so much antiqurose! "Stunning" I thought so too. But I'm an amateur. I just think it looks cool. Lol. To hear it from experts... (Or even regular people that have way more experience with this stuff than me) well it's awesome! Thanks everyone!!
    8. Yurtle Yurtle, 8 years ago
      I was just looking up this lamp again and noticed some one else posted the same ones... going to try to get the link...

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