Posted 9 years ago
(943 items)
My son bought this old Coke sign from a guy in SLC where it had been used as a filler for a screen door. It's pretty rough but very old, maybe 30s?
We obviously had to move the UTOCO sign to make room for it on the building, but we think it adds color and class to an entry building everyone sees as they check out the Museum. You can't collect Petroliana without some Coke signs around, can you?
Thx for the love it. I expected u to laugh at me for how I spelled Coka Cola so when u made no comment I figured u just thought I couldn't spell? :):):)
Thx for the love it
Nope, I can't count how many old photographs there are of an old fuel station with the coke chest or sign right there. Gas and coca cola and away you go.
Exactly! The early marketing guys for coke that figured out that selling coke to travelers was a good idea were brilliant!
Looks outstanding on the building!
Thx a lot for the compliment. We like the look too. It's hard to make steel Self Storage units look anything but generic so we try real hard to put a little personality in the place. Your compliment means a lot to us
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Very cool! What a great addition! Thanks for sharing.
Thx for the comment & love it. I looked at another very cool big Coke sign today that I'm thinking about adding to the Collection. Pricy!!
Thx for the love it. I'm so sad when I see the new silver Coke machines in restaurants! They're supposed to be red and we all know it!!!