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Original 1960s Tie Dye American Target BVD T-Shirt

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    Posted 7 years ago

    (516 items)

    All I know about the history of this remarkable hippie era artifact is that it was one of three and came out of a now defunct Harrisburg, PA vintage shop. I have never seen this kind of "controlled" tie-dye before. My feeling is this was likely created for an anti-Vietnam War protest, perhaps on a campus near Harrisburg... the label puts it in the right period. I also surmise the holes around the target were purposely created, along with the "Blood" stains smeared here and there for effect when the protestor may have fallen to the ground. Incredible piece, and highly unusual.

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    1. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 7 years ago
      Maybe even Harrisburg Eight (seven), The Harrisburg Seven were a group of religious anti-war activists, led by Philip Berrigan, charged in 1971, full story below:
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      Crazy shirt Hippie, it would be cool if you could find some old news footage, or photo, with the guy wearing it, at the time! :^)
    3. HippieArchaeologist HippieArchaeologist, 7 years ago
      PoliticalPinbacks - OH I LOVE that thought. Had not thought of that possible Berrigan connection... As Bill said - I will have to search photos etc to find perhaps them in the crowds. Thanks to both of you - this helps.

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