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Musty Moldy Mover Matchbox Monday King Size No. 8 Scammel Prime Mover and Trailer 1965-1967

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3465 items)

    This King Size model also came with a Caterpillar tractor but not in this case. I will pick one up later. The model was first sold in 1962 and was sold through 1967' Originally it had silver wheels/hubs but these were switched to red in 1965.
    As can be seen the purpose of this model was to transport heavy machinery. The trailer has 12 wheels and the tractor/truck has 6 wheels drive. Has a handy ramp on the back to load and unload equipment.
    Spwcial thanks to the Weatherhill Hydraulic Shovel for standing in as the load.

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