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Japanese large Gourd Vase

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (6 items)

    Just found this vase and I am thrilled. Wanting to start a Chinoiserie theme but fell in love with this. Clueless to it's age, any help would be appreciated. * Added a new pic with vase in my home to show actual scale. Sellers pics were very deceiving as to size. I was shocked when I saw it in person.

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    1. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      well it could mean your mother look like roadkill , alternative is

      japanese Hichozan Shinpo Sei mark probably made between 1860-1880 Tashiro Monzaemon of Honkôbira was under the authority of the Nabeshima then

    2. AdirondackMimi AdirondackMimi, 3 years ago
      Apostata, Thank you for identifying the mark, that is tremendously helpful.
    3. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      i forget something about the quality, i am getting sloppy
      personally i think the dating is quite on the dot , because the kiln spurs (the burnt in bubbles) on the bottom are affluent which is an determinant of the time spread

      second the ferro red signing got no dilution

      the shape is HYOTAN= double gourd

      in the bourgondy color is an sort of herringbone design which is called TSURU KARAKUSA aka vine arabesque

      the turquose square on his tip tilted is one of the geometrics = diaper design

      normal dragon without being an waterdragon

      the flower is KIKU aka chrysanthemum asteraceae

      the bird is sitting on an sort of 3 eyed pretzel , weird treetrunk , but it aint , it is an steal from the Kangxi period is leached limestone symbolism or petrified wood from the chinese lake tahoe symbolism

      this is an quite well vase for an Hichozan , sufficient value because it is big and it isHYOTHAN and it got gallagraphics

      so you have done well , and you ought to be proud of yourself

      congrats Waki
    4. AdirondackMimi AdirondackMimi, 3 years ago
      Dear Waki, You are amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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