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JimmyHail's loves8 of 39Sample Size Kralik Blue Flash Vase - MarkedCute Czech Kralik Glass Basket & Amusing American Booklet 1987
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (369 items)

    In June 2015 I asked permission by email to use the Truit Volumes about Bohemian Glass, directly from Deborah Truitt, she was interested in my website project and was happy to allow me to use her copyright books content in writing.

    I own both books, was well informed by collectors that these would help me with Bohemian and Czech glass collecting and learn the basics. It has been that, and also a good reference over the years.

    Image one is a trio of baskets, in my opinion 1 is Kralik, 2 is unknown by me, and 3 is Ruckl also found in a bright red swirl decor.

    Image two, we have learned since that it is Kralik with the help of Jericho Mora, identifying a Butler Brothers Kralik art glass assortment.

    Image 3, are two cobalt swirl vases, which I identified as Ruckl. with about 8 pieces in Ruckl shapes. IMO again.

    Image 4, is a partial Ruckl catalog page which has made the rounds amongs collectors, another DT helpful piece of information. The two vases here are confirmed by me to be Ruckl, they are both large size pieces, and have been seen in spatters, powder honeycomb and the shimmy pfau decor (Ruckl bottom trails up the glass surface, a name that implies flames.)

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    1. EZa EZa, 5 years ago
      The baskets are wonderful! Thanks for your input and documentation.
    2. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      Glad I found the image, as I knew I had seen the amber glass basket shape somewhere. Glad to help and you are welcome my friend.
    3. LazyBoy LazyBoy, 4 years ago
      Great information and you have some lovely glass...'-)) later
    4. JimmyHail, 3 years ago
      I second what LazytBoy said ... '-)) and then some

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