Hamish » collections




Growing up in the highlands of Scotland you can't but appreciate stunning wildlife, which is where my love of animals comes from. My collection is rather poor comparGrowing up in the highlands of Scotland you can't but appreciate stunning wildlife, which is where my love of animals comes from. My collection is rather poor compared to most as I have difficulty being sentimental about objects, but I guess that makes the few I keep all the more special. Looking to expand my things and would like some knowledge along the way as I know nothing about animal figurines really. (Read more)


  1. Thank you for all the information, much appreciated.
  2. Well hats off to you, great info. And that explains the pontil mark. Every day is a school day. Thank you.
  3. Ah OK. My thought was that with today's health and safety, having a sharp piece of glass at the base of a vase would limit it's saleability.
  4. Thank you all for the info, a quick search found plenty others of different colours, so yes, get the glasses from Italy and decorate in Israel.
  5. Thank you for the information. I thought it might have been something to do with sand, small pieces of glass didn't even come into my head.
  6. It does look similar to that one. One day I will treat myself to a studio pottery reference book, but they are rather expensive.
  7. Thank you Brittn10, I would never have guessed that, I tried just about everything I could think of in Google but failed miserably!
  8. Actually I never thought of it as part of something else. Gives me an avenue of investigation anyway. Thank you!
  9. Oh and I apologise, I didn't realise the photographs were sideways!
  10. Thank you. I did think about the 1950s but I seem to recall similar ones made in the 20s/30s by people like Tiffany etc, so wasn't sure. There is a registration number on the chain fittings, so that m...
  11. Thank you pebble. The beads do look fantastic but I didn't have any idea about age or origin. I've looked on the internet and virtually every vaguely similar one I see is listed as Venecian, which see...
  12. Can anyone tell me what this type of glaze is called? Lots of people liking them (thank you) but no answer, there must be a ceramic expert somewhere out there!
  13. Well I can't even find anything similar no matter how much I search. Do you think it is just a piece by a student at a University or similar?
  14. Thank you Southerner. The decoration is applied very thickly, would this give any indication of timeline? My guess for this was that being something function and used every day it needed to be hard we...
  15. The photo's were definately the correct way up when I attached them, so no idea what has happened there!
  16. Well the eggshell porcelain leads me to Japanese, however the colour and pattern lead me to Limoges in France, who do similar pedestal cups in those colours. Might be somewhere to start
  17. How apt, we have just been watching Lego Masters on TV!
  18. I never knew there was such a thing until recently when I picked something up via my work and it has some of these in there. Seems quite advanced for the time. I'll pop mine on if you would like to se...
  19. Thank you for the advice. It's an odd bunch to find in one place USA, Canada UK. I'll have a look at the info under your heading Scott and see what to do from there.
  20. Brilliant, thank you! Never knew there was such a thing, and now I have two!
  21. Thanks for the info. Do you think it could have been put into a later frame? Would it be rather unusual for someone to carve a figure of a 18th century gentleman in the 20th century? Just seemed a st...
  22. Thank you very much for the info, I would never have known that. To my untrained eye it doesn't look old enough for 1700s but I guess it could have been rehoused in a later frame. The card on the back...
  23. I actually quite like that one, lovely colours. I'm confused with the Dresden thing though. Is Dresden a manufacturer or, like Stoke on Trent in England, there are lots of different companies who are ...
  24. I had a look around and I thought it looked quite Staffordshire -ish?
  25. Thank you billretirecoll for the ideas, something to go on at least! I have posted some more photographs with some more description a few minutes ago so maybe I will get something from that.
  26. Well there was another Capodimonte figurine with the ones I have but that was easy to identify as it was signed and had a mark on the base. Wouldn't they have marked all their pieces?
  27. Thank you vetraio50, certainly more than I knew yesterday! Does this kind of glass have a name?
  28. Well having served in the Royal Navy and liking items of nautical history, and being passionate about wildlife, this is right up my street! A lovely thing.
  29. That is a beautiful painting. Very skilful with regards to proportion and colour, I can see why his work is so sought after
  30. Can you give a rough size?
  31. Well the wife of knowledge says it is a Victorian Pomander. You would put a natural sponge soaked in fragrance inside the ball and it was used to alleviate bad odours whilst out and about.
  32. Lovely bag. Difficult to gauge the size but going by the size of your hand, and the shape of the lid, could it be used to hold something like binoculars?
  33. Well with a wife who works with historical artefacts she has seen some very random items over the years in collections, and after looking at the pictures for a few minutes she was pretty sure they are...
  34. Oh I could get sooooo much stuff in there....
  35. Didn't know there was such a thing. Fabulous!
  36. Thanks for all that Information, brilliant. I had a look on the internet and there are sooooo many antique door stops, who knew?!! Some of them are rather fab, the Fish made ones are great, as are som...
  37. I believe the actual recess where the candle sits is detachable, and in your case is missing. I think it would sit onto the central stem.
  38. Being passionate about wildlife I do like these as there are so many different animals cast into door stops, but it's not something I have thought about in the world of collecting. How long have they ...
  39. Well I'm not sure if this will help any but it is quite similar to tools we used in the oil industry to repair and maintain oil well pipelines. Called Wireline, the tools are that shape and have clips...
  40. Scott, you are entirely correct, however you appear to have misread my comment as I deliberately said 'It appears, certainly in some respects' and 'at times quality is not relevant', both of which mea...
  41. Well I'm at least very honest about things, even if it may not sit too well with some. I fully expect there were one or two who read the last few comments and were mortified. I do like some of the Asi...
  42. Hi all. Thank you for the info, I just find it confusing that you can find something that to my eye is flawless and beautifully made, yet is relatively worthless intrinsically. I think there are many ...
  43. I'm pretty sure it is a bedchamber candle holder
  44. I recently did a survey of a property in London and seen something similar on a shelf in the lounge. They are called Flesh Pots and were made by a pottery in Stoke on Trend in England. One below. Nice...
  45. Well after some searching around I have now discovered that the decanter is a 'kluk kluk' decanter made by Holmegaard. You learn something new everyday!
  46. At a quick glance I liked the pair of square clear glass block vases that spiralled, and I liked the bottle with the stopper on the right of the second picture. Haven't a clue what they are but they l...
  47. I didn't buy any of it! I went in to look for something specific and didn't see it until I was leaving, and I was running late for work. Tomorrow I am back in London so I won't get a chance.
  48. Thanks Malkey. I guess there-in lies the problem, how do you tell the modern cheap ones from the special ones, as to the untrained eye they look the same. If someone put a loetz in front of me next to...
  49. Well it does look exactly like a winged lion, so fair enough!
  50. As it's not perfect, could it have been a trial/test piece for the decoration to see how it came out? I had a quick look and did find 2 others with that exact decor but I didn't have time to look furt...
  51. See more


Nice walnut carved clock shelf!  Purchased from local thrift store ???? Kurt Wendler for Rosenthal 1920's Silver Cigarette Case or Card Case by Heinrich Levinger Vintage various Evans Lighters from 1920's Substantial vase International Dairy Exposition..Indianapolis Indiana Plate....... Vintage Cast Iron "The Scottie" Scottish Terrier Doorstop Still Yet Another Butterfly Collection Featuring a Big Moth Large Mid-Century Japanese Plastic Embossed Bowl Thrift Shop Find Mid Century Japanese Cloisonne Vases Milwaukee Natatorium Badge