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NCR 852 Antique Cash Register, aka 'Johnny Cash'

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (10 items)

    Love this big old register that I got for Valentine's Day--think it weighs as much as it's namesake! Made in 1917, this woodgrain-painted steel cash register is fascinating, retains its original vintage paint quality, and is in excellent working condition. It has an oak base and drawer. Many locks...just got the keys for them. Found the Mercury head coin and three unknown tokens in the printer compartment! Now hunting down ink and paper for receipts. Lovin' old Johnny!

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      That is spectacular!
    2. Mystaplers Mystaplers, 8 years ago
      absolutely beautiful
    3. JoeArnolds3Finds JoeArnolds3Finds, 3 years ago
      I just recently found 3 of these old NCR registers. Inside of 1 of my register tape compartments is the company that the paper came from and what the paper number size is. If it helps comment back.and I'll share it with you.
    4. visualizepeace visualizepeace, 3 years ago
      JoeArnolds3Finds, Would love to have that info! Thank you very much.


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