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My Collection of Military Uniforms

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Military Jackets and Coats135 of 156Childs WWII Military Uniform?IJA Camouflage Reversible Poncho
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (314 items)

    Over the years I have been the family keeper of the military uniforms.
    Most of the uniforms come from our family or they were given to me by other family that did not have family member to pass there uniforms down to. In this collection there are WW1 Navy and Army uniforms, WW2, Korea, Viet-Nam, WAC uniforms

    Military Jackets and Coats
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    1. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      I like the leather flight jacket, BUT I am concerned about the Barbie collection near it!
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Oh you saw those Barbie's, well there going on Ebay this week.
    3. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 14 years ago
      I'm not a navy collector, and this is the first time I've seen that strange shade of grey in the center uniform.
    4. Maltamary Maltamary, 14 years ago
      NAVY GRAY UNIFORMS--gray uniforms in the same style as khaki were first introduced on 16 April 1943 as an officers uniform. On 3 June 1943 the uniform was extended to include Chief Petty Officers. On 31 March 1944 cooks and stewards were permitted to wear the gray uniform. The Navy abolished use of "grays" on 15 October 1949.
    5. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 14 years ago
      Thanks Maltamary. Like I said, I'm not a navy collector (nor a WWII collector) but it's interesting information.
    6. SCPODan, 14 years ago
      Showing the old and "new" design Mineman rating badges.
    7. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Thank you SCPODan, The Mineman rating was established on Oct 12, 1943 and my dad became a Chief Mineman on Feb 8, 1944. He stayed a Mineman until retired in Oct 1959.
    8. Walter Cox, 14 years ago
      Do you have any USS CHICAGO CG-11 or USS SAN DIEGO AFS-6 Items?

      My father retired from Army after 28 years in 1976. He moved to Brinnon, WA and I was able to visit a few times. Loved the area, very beautiful there.
    9. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      thank you chevy59
    10. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      Thank you PhilDavidAlexanderMorris, I pick up two of these vintage mannequins
      one male and one female in a antique shop in Long Beach, CA
    11. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      Thank you BELLIN68
    12. Harborguy Harborguy, 13 years ago
      Fantastic collection! Nice that people know where to take uniforms that they are unable to pass down.
    13. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      Harborguy, Thanks for your comment.
    14. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 8 years ago
      Thank you CindB

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