Posted 4 years ago
(1778 items)
From the cleanout house, this little boxful of glass knobs and brass bezels actually rescued/removed from existing doors themselves. I think there's probably a couple more loose knobs also still hiding in other bins/crates outside for that matter, when I re-find them...? <lol>
They're not uncommon at all, likely from the 1930's-40's or so which is probably thereabouts when that house was first built. As can also be easily noticed, the threaded 'shafts' that fit into them to operate the door latches themselves are universally bent to h*ll...somebody who lived there sometime was apparently really *hard* on their doorknobs...?? <LOL>
Jealous Husband????
WOW keramikos, THANKS for those useful and informative links -- also <LOLOL> to yougottahavestuff!!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
More thanks to bobby725, kwqd, & Watchsearcher for you oh-so-quick (kera and 'stuff too?!) hits to your <love it> buttons!! FWIW, here (after I finally found it again) is what has so far existed as my 'old doorknob collection', which I guess these now are joining...??
...and YES, as predicted, in just a little more rummaging around the remaining crates/bins of crap in the carport a few minutes ago (while otherwise trying to drape a tarp over the pile, its supposed to get stormy here later tonite) I did INDEED rather quickly come across two *more* otherwise loose matching glass knobs...
<LOLOL> ;-) :-) :-)
Further shout outs/THANKS to Vynil33rpm, lisa, fortapache, MALKEY, valentino97, IronLace, vetraio50, Irishcollector., AntigueToys, Broochman, & officialfuel for all y'all's <love it> button taps!!!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
I once found a full box of Eastlake Brass Doorknobs at a yard sale. They had been removed from Amoskeag Factory Row Houses during reno. Wish I hadn't sold them, but alas need to make a living.