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My vintage rain lamp

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Hanging Lamps707 of 799swag light history Vintage Electrified Hanging Gas Lamp acquired from David Geffen Records
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (21 items)

    Vintage Oil Rain Hanging Swag Lamp with Nude Goddess. The lamp is about 30 inches long and is in very good condition.

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    1. RonM RonM, 13 years ago
      I remember those lamps from South Philly in the 70s. All the Italians had them in their living rooms along with clear plastic covers over their ornately carved sofas.If you were wearing shorts,your legs stuck to the plastic.It was better to sit in the kitchen,closer to the smell of home made gravy and raviolis.
    2. junkmanjoe junkmanjoe, 13 years ago
      My Great Aunt Had One Of these back In The 70's! I thought they were really Kool!
    3. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Hah, there is still one of these hanging in my grandmother's house. Funny you should mention Philly, she lives relatively close on the other side of the Delaware.
    4. Lostinspace Lostinspace, 13 years ago
      OMG! I remember this lamp. These pics snapped me right back into my childhood. My best friends parents had one in the 70's. I remember being fascinated with watching the oil run down this thing. I also remember how much dust was attracted to it. Thanks for the memories.
    5. Maltamary Maltamary, 13 years ago
      Had one of these rain lamps & one of the reasons I got rid of it was the huge amounts of dust that accumulated on the filaments on which the oil dripped down, the plastic foliage & the figure inside. Found this interesting web site about rain lamps.
    6. ReddlocksS ReddlocksS, 13 years ago
      thanks for all the comments :)
    7. Mikejiggawhat, 13 years ago
      Where can u buy this lamp? My grandmother had one in her living room in her adult park trailer next to her organ and I always loved it.
    8. JohannB JohannB, 13 years ago
      Mikejiggawhat, I see this come up on craigslist pretty regularly. There are different figures in some of them, but this one is the most popular. Make sure it is a working one and keep it clean like Maltamary says.
    9. listermay1911 listermay1911, 13 years ago
      I use to have a lamp just like this one. It was so beautiful with the oil running down the strings. It's a keeper.
    10. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 11 years ago
      I remember these too :) This is a great site for tons of old memories and "new-to-me" things...
    11. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      I have one them

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